Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Votes For Women

I am finally making some progress on my
Grandmother's Choice VOTES FOR WOMENquilt sampler.
It was a bit of a challenge to get the design of those background pieces going the same direction, but it turned out great.

Next up was Block #16 Capital T and it was really fun to sew.
It was in the Capital T (for temperance) posting that I first saw the word "Quixotic"...isn't that a great word?!? I am looking for places to use it! I am not only learning new quilt block patterns and history lessons, I am learning new vocabulary!
The Votes For Women sampler quilt is now up to block # 23, so I am quite a bit behind but hope to catch up soon and am enjoying sewing each block.


Janet O. said...

Both blocks look great, but I especially love the warm tones in #16.
I feel I am very Quixotic in my vision of how I want my machine quilting to look! How is that? : )

Kimme said...

Your blocks are beautiful Kathy.

Kate said...

Beautiful blocks. I'm way behind too and need to spend some time catching up.

*kd. said...

Grandmother's Choice is most excellent and I have a thing with that word as well. "Quixotic effort" dig it.

Linda said...

Great blocks! I'm going to have to play catch up when I get my obligation quilt finished. I'm close...I love these blocks and am pining away wanting to work on them...Your colors are great!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Every time I see 'Votes for Women' I want to go watch 'Mary Poppins' again. Great blocks.