I get very excited about little gifts that my quilty friends bestow on me.
Like these luscious baggies of block trimmings...are they not adorable?!? Someone read my blog post on the Buzz Saw quilt and she could not resist pulling spring pastel fabrics from her stash and starting her own quilt...very exciting! And she saved the block trimmings for me...yum! Now what will I do with them? I might make a little mini quilt or I might just enjoy looking at them. I once heard someone say that you should surround yourself with things that are beautiful or make you smile - this gift is both!

I haven't had a lot of quilting time this week, but I have been working on a little project for my 500 post giveaway, which is coming up this weekend! Here are some of the HST blocks already made. I am snipping off the corners with my new tiny scissors from my new scissor pouch that the retiring president of the guild made for the executive members....isn't that so generous? I love it!
And I'm putting the corner snips into a little jar to keep for a similar purpose as the gift above...surrounding myself with things that make me smile :)
Also making me smile... is a guilty verdict in the court case that I have been attending for 3 weeks. Getting a domestic violence case heard in superior court is so much work, and rarely happens, and a guilty verdict is even more rare, so we have much to celebrate at work!
Can you stand one more piece of good news? One of my little quilts was juried into the
Threadworks exhibit! I'm still a bit in shock over that, and am looking forward to the opening of the show on Sunday. They picked 60 entries from the 230 pieces that were submitted and I never thought this little one would be one of them. I'll be sure that there wasn't a mix-up if I see it hanging there on Sunday!
The sunprint of an oak leaf (from our camp site 2 years ago) turned out to be off centre, and the border of pine trees didn't turn out as I had seen it in my mind, and the beaded shells in the corners cover up what I disliked the most about the piece, and still I really loved it!
There are 2 things that make me smile about this quilt: 1) it has everything I love about quilting - fabric painting, sunprinting, wax pastels, hand and machine quilting, and hand beading, and 2) down the middle vein of the leaf, the spiral beading hides a line of very expensive Swarovski crystal bicone beads, which only you and I know is there!!