I am still working away on Bonnie Hunter's mystery and have enough of the blocks completed to play with layouts.
These are the Step #5 blocks called "Fox and Geese" and I am tempted to just make a quilt from this block, and put the second block "Pointsettia Star" into a separate quilt of it's own.
See how different the layout looks when a row of partial blocks are added around the outside?
I like both of these layouts, and with a border added, they would be the perfect size for a comfort quilt to donate to my guild.
This is the layout that Bonnie suggests for the mystery quilt, using both of the blocks. I am only showing half the blocks because it is too large for my design wall. I also like this layout, so if I use this one, I guess I'll have to make a few more blocks to have enough to make two smaller quilts instead of one huge quilt.
I really can't decide...what is your vote?
Make yourself a pot of tea and then go visit Judy's blog today and see the design walls of quilters around the world - last week there were over 60 blogs to visit!
I like Layouts 1 + 3 . . .
There's not just one way to make it. That's the fun of having a Design wall. Sleep on it and if it looks good in the morning sew it up quick. For a Christmas quilt the Poinsettia stars really are eye catching.
My vote goes to the first layout. It's really eye catching
Love and hugs Gina xxx
I really like the first one with the partial blocks around the outside. Your fabric choice is wonderful. Makes me wish I'd done Bonnie's mystery.
They all look great but I think I like #1 the best. Good job!
Ummm, I like all of the ideas...but mostly I love your colors!!!
I'm doing the same thing you are with laying out the blocks. I'm liking the blocks laid out separately in their own quilt better than together. For some reason this design looks to "busy" using Bonnie's layout. Maybe it's my color scheme. I'll probably go with two smaller quilts. Your's is looking good and I like layout 1.
The 3rd layout (with both blocks) looks too busy to me. I like the second layout best, because I like complete patterns and the 1/2 blocks in the first layout would bother me.
I like both #1 and # 2, but most #2Love the collors.
I vote for #1!
Wow! Look at all those blocks!! :-) Way to sew! I like #1 too. ;-)
I think the first layout is great, especially since you would have to make more blocks to do the second. That would definitely tip things in that directions.
I like it best without the poinsettia star! The colors are great!
Oops, I should have also said I like the first one best too!
Layout #3. I like the way all of the colors pop.
I'm liking #1 or #2. I'm also trying to decide how to arrange the blocks and I'm only on step #3! lol.
I do like the first layout.The 2nd is okay but the first one has a little pizaz. The 3rd one reminds me of watermelon.Lots of black pits.....
I much prefer 1 & 2 over 3 - hands down.
I like layout #1. All of them are great. I don't think I would be able to give it away.
I like #1 & #3, but so you don't have to make more blocks I would go with #1.
hands down! the 1st photo is the best layout with the partial blocks all around - looks like radiating stars :)
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
I like 3 best because I think the stars show up best when isolated from each other. Have you tried the layout where each green star is surrounded with 1 row of pinwheels?
I love the colors you have used on your mysteri-quilt. I like the idea of splitting the design into two quilts.
I like the layouts of #3 and #1. It depends though best what size quilt you want? You could always make the#3 layout and put the extra blocks on the back without making more to have 2 quilts though, IMHO just an idea when I saw that you'd have to make more to make 2 quilt s instead of just one. They all look great and I love your colors.
I also like layout #1 an #3. And I like your colours much better then those on the original from Bonnie.
I have no vote other than WOW! Thanks for sewing so fast so I could see what your colors would look like. YOu are AwEsOmE!!
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