Today we are celebrating the Canadian Thanksgiving, and it is a

gorgeous fall day outside. I plan to take a long walk this afternoon once the turkey is in the oven, the pies are baked, the vegetables ready, and the table set. We are having my parents and 2 of my nephews over for supper so that is only 8 of us altogether for me to feed. I might even have some time for hand stitching in the warm fall sunlight if I g

et all my work done quickly.
I missed celebrating my 2 year anniversary of blogging in September, so I am having a little giveaway now to combine that milestone and Thanksgiving! If you leave a comment on this post I will pick a lucky winner from all the names and will send out this fun package of 5 Fall/Halloween fat quarters and of course some chocolate treats. Happy Thanksgiving and a big thank you to my blog readers for all the fun, support and encouragement!
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your day.
Congrats on your blogiversary!
Wow, 2 years. It's amazing, isn't it? Hope you have a relaxed and uneventful Thanksgiving and lots of pumpkin pie (mmmm, pie....). Don't fall asleep with a needle in your hand.
Happy Thanksgiving! I can't wait for ours, it is one of my favorite holidays!!
Happy Thanksgiving from a fellow Canadian quilter on the West Coast!
Happy Thanksgiving! And congratulations on your blogging milestone *s*
I love how you artfully arranged your Halloween fats - darling. Have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy the weather!
Happy Thanksgiving wishes...the food sounds so yummy. Two years of blogging deserves congrats!
Happy Thanksgiving, Kathy.
Congratulations on reaching your milestone. I certainly enjoy reading your blog every Monday morning.
Happy Thanksgiving Kathy:)
Keep up the great work your doing on your blog! You keep people up to date on the quilting world, give them smiles and giggles when they read your blog.
All the Best and Keep up the great Work:)
Louise Marchand
I hope your thanksgiving was lovely. Sure makes me long for some turkey.
Happy bloggiversary!
congrats on your blog anny! and Happy Thanksgiving !
love the block with the leaf fabric in the center, that fabric is just beautiful. Hope you brought you lots of that fabric :)
Happy Thanksgiving and congratulations on two years! Way to go!
Hope you had a very nice Thanksgiving. The star of fabrics is really cute. Please add my name to the draw. I'm all out of chocolate...
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Congrats on reaching 2 years. Enjoy your holiday!
Hey way to go Kathy, 2 years. I really enjoy your blog and finding out what you are up to. Keep up the great work and giggles that you supply.
Your northern blog stalker!!!
I like reading your blog and keeping up with everyone's craftiness. How did Thanksgiving go?? Oh and of course, please, please, please enter me in to have a chance to win your 2 year/Thanksgiving day give away!
I like how you made your fats into a star! VERY creative!
Awesome stuff to see when I look at your blog. Hope that I am not too late for the draw, but if I am, that is okay because I am a winner everytime that you post something! Thanks so much Kathy!
I just love your blog. It seems like you just do what you like rather than trying to please readers and that makes it so normal. Keep it up, i will visit again.
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Blogiversary!
What fun fabric...please count me in :o)
Congrats! Love your blog! Thanks for including me in the drawing!
I enlarged the picture of your fabric - OhMyFreakishWord! Just too cute!! The blue bats is beautiful! The assorted pumpkins had me chuckling! but... The black/white glasses faces - *gaffaw!!* Those are just plain awesome!!
Happy 2+ years of blogging!! Cheer's to many more!
Congratulations on 2 years, and a great blog which I enjoy a lot.
Hi Kathy,
I just found your site thanks to Luv 2 Stitch. I just got into quilting a couple of months ago, and I am so amazed that there are so many sites devoted to this addicting hobby. I have found so many wonderful tips and techniques from various quilters who share their time on blogs. Also, congratulations on your 2nd anniversary!
I live in Niagara Falls, NY but spend lots of time in Canada so I feel like I get to celebrate both Thanksgivings!
Congrats on your blogiversary and thanks for sharing.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Congrats on 2 years of blogging!
Hi Kathy,
It is nice to meet you - I am a western Canadian quilter who has only recently started a blog. I am enjoying the experience and congratulate you on reaching your second anniversary of posting.
I will add you to my favorite blogs list...
If you get a chance I hope that you will come and visit my blog.
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