And the second prize was for the block I made from September's
mixer partner and I each had to make a block using the orange fabric squares we were given at the September meeting and bring the block back to the October meeting. I used a block pattern from The Quilter's Cache which is a great website for hundreds of free patterns. I picked out a paper piecing pattern for a 6" block called "Fox and Geese". Somehow my block didn't end up looking exactly like the diagram, but close enough! The fabric square in the middle is from a 1/2 yard piece of fabric that my husband just brought back for me when he was in Vermont! I thought I could spare a tiny bit for a worthy

I love paper piecing but don't you just hate the job of removing the paper from the back?!?! It's a mindless task that I do while watching TV, but I'd still rather be stitching t
han ripping!!

Anyway, my luck is going to be passed on to one of my blog readers. I am going to add one of my prizes to my Thanksgiving giveaway (see post here) so make sure you leave me a comment on that post to be entered in the draw. Here is the beaded point protector made by Jackie James that you can win in addition to the fabric and chocolate!
Note to Judy...I changed my blog settings so you should be able to enter an anonymous comment now! Don't want my faithful blog readers to be left out of the draw!!
Love the block you made.
I love removing the paper from paper piecing. I find it very therapeutic for some reason.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Congratulations on both your blogging anniversary and your winnings last night! Your block is beautiful. Keep up the good work. Judy
I love your block. And the point protectr what a neat idea. I need one for my seam ripper I have hanging around my neck.
I love that block! As far as paper-piecing, this it produces great results, but oh removing that paper!
That point protector is really, really cool. I've not seen one of those before.
Hey, Kathy,
That point protector is a great idea, especially for the little stork applique scissors. I broke the tip off one of mine by dropping them. As usual I really enjoy keeping up with your different projects. Love the little block.
Another Judy
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