My mother-in-law had a stroke on the weekend, and since we are the only family in town, guess who is now in charge of her care? Me! Thankfully they are keeping her in hospital, so we only have to help her with eating meals and personal care. When she comes home, I don't even want

And guess who has not finished sewing a Halloween costume for her son for Wednesday?? Me! My son and two friends want to be the 3 Musketeers, so that is what the moms are sewing. Here are the pieces I am getting ready to cut out. I am hating this pattern by McCall''s just the worst written pattern I've ever used and it is impossible to sew according to their directions. I thought it was all my problem since I have been sewing into the wee hours of the morning trying to get this thing done, but the other mother had the same problems. I have to finish it today in order to pass the pattern and equipment to the third musketeers' mother, so she can suffer with making her son the same thing!
Good momma!
Slow down Kathy! Remember the caregiver is as important as the patient. jr
Sorry to read about your MIL and good luck with the pattern. Try and remember as women we tend to put our selves last far to much - so occasionally take yourself out the sandwich.
Some of these cross roads are hard to navigate. All the very best of care to you - being a good mom, good DIL/DD, good wife is a huge challenge. We have been there from our house and back.
All the best of luck on the costuming. I would be happy to help if I were there.
I feel for you, Kathy. I drive 1.5 hours one way every weekend to caregive my 92 year old Auntie. As if that's not enough, I'm trying to get her a place up here (she is refusing Assisted Living but that is what she needs) and when I do get her here, the driving time is gone but the demands will be greater because I'm just across town. Keep your chin up and remember to breathe and take some time for yourself.
Sorry to hear about your MIL. Been there, done that and I can empathize with you. Same thing on the costume. I'm glad to be done with those as I always waited until the last minute.
Good luck and take care of yourself.
hope MIL recovers well,it's a slow process!
happy costume worst nightmare!
Sorry to hear about your MIL. I hope there will be arangements made for her, that will make it possible for you all to breathe. How did you costumemaking go? Hope you got it finished for deadline!
Take care!
Remember to take care of yourself during this time. We will be here is you ever need a shoulder to cry on or to share the good times too.
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