Sunday, May 26, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly celebration of hand stitching! It's the one time a week where we make sure to set aside some special moments for playing with needles and thread/yarn. We hope you will join us!

Some good progress has been made on my new dishcloth from the pattern book called "Dishcloths From the Heart" by Evelyn Clark. I love the little pattern booklet and have made several knitted cloths using the patterns in it. This pattern is called "Big Heart" and has been a challenge since every row is different. But it is now over 50% done and it does look like the bottom of a heart!  

Yesterday I delivered three finished quilts to the community outreach committee of my local guild. The pile on the left are the quilts I returned. These quilts were pieced and machine quilted by other guild members, and I was delighted to have the honour of hand stitching the bindings, with some help from my friends Barb and Debby! I brought home 2 more quilts to bind over the summer.

And this week I started a new cross stitch project. I had wanted to make this in April for obvious reasons! Better late than never I suppose? You can find the free pattern to download over at Silver Creek Samplers. I picked a rust coloured thread for the robin's breast since the orange looked too bright for a robin. I should be able to finish this by next week if all goes well.

What are you stitching this week? Do you have any new starts? Any finishes? Please link up your blog post below and share your projects with us.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! It's time to put your feet up, relax, and put some stitches into your favourite project. Just breathe and stitch, even if just for a few moments. 

I have been enjoying the cross stitch pattern called "Bird Herd" by Amity of Hathaway Stitchers
I am very proud of myself that I have become adept at using Pattern Keeper.

I have the first (of 4) adorable little 2" bird completed and have finished the right side of the design. 
I am stitching 1 thread of floss over 1 stitch on a 25 count "Countess Lugana" by Forbidden Fiber Co. 

I also started knitting another dishcloth using my favourite Suds yarn. The pattern is called "large heart" and has taught me a new stitch called "SSK" which makes the lovely lacy holes in the border. 

It's the long holiday weekend here, so I will be slow stitching by the lake today. Hope you are having a relaxing weekend and that you will share your slow progress with us in the links below.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms...and to the Aunties, friends, neighbours, and wonderful women who "mother" others, we say a big thank you! 💕 I hope you enjoy a wonderful day with your family and have a chance to fit in time to put some stitches into your favourite project.

This billboard in my town always makes me smile. Before there was Google, there was only your Mom and the local library to give you information and advice! LOL I love the message on the cross stitched pillow!

I have a little finish this week. This is the April Square Dance 3" cross stitch block. I loved selecting the threads to sew on the tiny buttons.

It was an easy pattern, but I made so many mistakes. The carrot top should not be hanging over the left border, but there it is! I couldn't fix the problems without a lot of ripping out of stitches, so I just finished it as best I could. You can see the January to March blocks here. And on we go to May stitching!

What are you working on this month? I do hope I have time to visit the links this week - I am woefully behind in my reading. Please link up your blog post below and share your slow progress with your fellow hand stitchers.

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! It's time to get out your stitching project, make a cup of your favourite beverage, and enjoy some relaxation.

Today I want to show you 2 little embroidery projects I saw in the bathroom of a non stitching friend's house. She found them at an antique sale and doesn't know who stitched them or how old they are. Just look at the simplicity of the design and various stitches to achieve textures. Both have been beautifully framed and I just love them!

Look at those swans! The stitching is pure perfection and those french knots are so tiny and beautiful - such a treat for my eyes! I wanted to steal them, but showed great self restraint in just admiring and photographing them. 

What have I been stitching this week?

I sewed another binding on a guild quilt and started the hand stitching on the back. This is a guild quilt - quilt top made by one person, machine quilted by another, and hand bound by a third person. We all do what we love and are able to finish many quilts each year using this tag team approach.

I am also enjoying my Gathering Acorns project by Luminous Fiber Arts. The pattern was given to me by my Stitch North friend Danielle. Instead of using 1 thread, I am using 7 colours of thread. More colours = more fun! This is stitched on 32 count speculaas linen which is so beautiful and soft that I can hardly stand it! My stitches don't look uniform  because I find linen a bit more challenging to stitch than other fabrics (like aida or evenweave).  But from far away, the stitches look fabulous! 

That's what is going on in my stitchy world this week. What are you hand stitching? Do you have any slow progress to share today? Link up your blog post below and let us cheer you on!