Sunday, March 05, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching link up party! We encourage you to join us by putting some stitches into your project today. Hand stitching can provide numerous health benefits - click here to read an interesting article about 3 of the major benefits of hand sewing.

I have been faithfully wearing my custom made hand brace/orthosis when stitching and have noticed a surprising decrease in pain in just one week. Very good news!

And that means more stitching of course! Uh oh - don't tell the OT I said that! Apparently pain = time to stop!

I made a lot of progress on Joy's Winter Mystery Stitchalong. It is now ready to become an FFO (fully finished object) as they say on Flosstube. Of course I will turn it into a miniature quilt because that is what I enjoy to do. 

And I traced out Joy's next embroidery pattern called Tea Cup Critters of the month which can become part of a 36" quilt. 

I have also made progress on my Really Cross Stitch project. This one is going so fast and I love stitching with variegated thread to give the stitching more interest.

What are you hand stitching today? Share your progress with us and link up your photo, instagram or blog post below.


Kim said...

We stitchers seem to stitch through the pain, don't we?? Fabulous your hand brace is helping to keep the pain at bay. The Winter stitchery looks great. It will look lovely incorporated into a miniature quilt.

maggie fellow said...

I understand the thumb thing. So far, my cortizone shot has helped a lot. My brace is big and clunky.

Cathy said...

I love variegated threads too.
And glad the brace seems to be working for you!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

glad your hand brace works-do you have a brand name for it?

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

So glad that brace is working for you and you're having less pain! The winter stitchery is so sweet. I didn't stitch along with that one, but might need to go back and do it. Have a wonderful Sunday, Kathy!

CathieJ said...

I am glad your thumb is feeling somewhat better. That is an interesting support brace. I can't stitch with the one I have. Your Winter stitch along is very pretty. I really like how your cross stitching looks. Enjoy your stitching. Thanks for the Link-up.

Angela said...

That will make a super cute little quilt! I am so glad that your brace is helping! Yay for more stitching!

Kate said...

Sorry you are having hand pain. It's hard to stop when you are doing something you really like, even when it hurts. It doesn't hurt that badly right? I'm in the same spot you are, but it's my shoulder, not my hand.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Well, all of my quilting and hand work caught up with me - carpel tunnel and brace time. This time it went to the shoulders! OH well, braces are better than a 3rd time to correct it by surgery! Not going there. Glad you are better, and I need to get a brace like yours which will help the thumb on my right hand when I am doing hand work! Hugs

linda said...

Sorry to hear about your hand pain, but it's good that you are still able to sew but don't over do it like I did a few years ago, because I didn't rest my hands I couldn't craft for months. Your projects are lovely. 😚

Karrin Hurd said...

Great progress on all your projects. So glad the brace is helping!

Ivani said...

I am glad with your news. Keep
Winter will be a pretty mini quilt. Varigated thread is looking great on your cross stitching project. Have a nice week Kathy.

Miaismine said...

I’m so glad your brace is working for you! Celebration time! How fun is your Winter Mystery Stitchalong project! Happy stitching to you!

Lyndsey said...

Very pleased to hear your brace is helping your pain. Take care not to over do it

The Cozy Quilter said...

I have not had any hand pain yet with stitching, thankfully . I change activities often to prevent problems. I’m glad your brace is helping. Take care of those hands…you still have lots of stitching to do in your life! Your winter stitching is very cute. The variegated thread is looking rest in your cross stitch project