Sunday, July 03, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the Slow Stitching party where we celebrate all types of hand stitching including cross stitch, embroidery, hand piecing, knitting, crochet, rug making, english paper piecing, applique, hand quilting, etc. If you are creating something with your hands using needles and threads, we want to see what you're making!

I finished two quilts recently and hand stitched a lot of binding. First was a bed sized quilt called Unity which had over 300" of binding, and then a  miniature strawberry which was 16" of binding. I really enjoyed hand stitching the french knots on the berry.

I have also been dragging my embroidery around with me and hoping for a few minutes of peaceful stitching, which I enjoyed at this lovely stopping place on a hike. It was so quiet and relaxing by the stream. Not much stitching was done since there was a lot to see here - frogs, fish, and birds. But every stitch counts!

What are you stitching today? Link up your blog or instagram post below and share your slow progress with us.


Kim said...

This is the first time I have heard of someone taking an embroidery piece on a hike with them to pull out and stitch while they are resting. I am impressed. Such a pretty place by the river you stopped to sit for a while. Your miniature strawberry is cute.

Ivani said...

What a beautiful place to enjoy the nature and relax while stitching.

CathieJ said...

Your little strawberry looks great. I love your peaceful scene.

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

That little strawberry block mini is beyond cute! Not sure I have the patience to work at that scale for quilts (though I have done a needlepoint dollhouse rug many years ago on 50 count silk gauze).

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

beautiful to take the stitching outside for a little even if it doesn't get picked up much and enjoy the scenery more instead.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

My hand stitching has been joining me on the veranda lately when the weather suits and the Eastern Phoebe babies have flown the nest out there. It's wonderful to stitch while keeping an eye on nature. Like you say, even if the stitching is not so much.

Angela said...

The miniature strawberry is adorable!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Sounds fun to take your embroidery on a hike, especially those words and that view! Enjoy your Sunday Stitching, Kathy!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

That little strawberry is a fun project, so clever to use French knots!

LA Paylor said...

sweet little strawberry! I like french knots best I think of all the stitching

Karrin Hurd said...

What a great place to stitch!

Deb said...

Great way to pause and rest during your hike, I tried stitching at the beach last Friday but it was too windy.

Jill said...

A lovely place for a hike. Nice for stitching, but I'd also be sidetracked by mother nature.

Sherrie said...

Hi Kathy,
All your mini blocks are cute...I couldn't do
those...toooo tiny...ha. Have a great day!

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

It's lovely to have minutes of stitching to look forward to, through your day.