Sunday, April 18, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to Slow Sunday Stitching here at Kathy's Quilts where we celebrate hand stitching of all kinds. We want to encourage our fellow hand stitchers to keep making slow progress, and to squeeze every ounce of enjoyment you can from each stitch you take.

The only hand stitching I worked on this week is some knitting during zoom meetings. I am really tired of zoom meetings and yet so thankful to have them (if that makes any sense). I am making good progress with this washcloth pattern from Knitwits Heaven and you can probably guess who this will be for! I like how the outside border pattern is turning out.

What are you hand stitching in the middle of April?

Link up your blog post below and share your progress or lack thereof!


linda said...

I totally understand where you are coming from with the zoom meetings but unfortunately it's all we have at the moment. Your knitting is great, I have a list of things I'm hand stitching this month but today it's going to be my cross stitch. Have a peaceful Sunday.

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

Any stitches are better than no stitches at all. (I'm right there with you re online meetings. It's a love/hate relationship!) Your washcloth will be cute!

CathieJ said...

I understand about the Zoom meetings. Love the latest washcloth. Have a great week!

Sarah said...

The uk news showed what a hard time you are having of it, but I get your love hate feelings about zoom! The letters on your knitting really stand out!

maggie fellow said...

I have not knit a word - is it difficult?

Ivani said...

Dad's washcloth is turning great.
Do what makes you feel better during this hard time.
Take care and happy stitching.

Kate said...

It's a love hate relationship with the virtual meeting stuff. One the one had it's so much easier to present to a group of people, on the other, I'm tired of not seeing everyone's faces! Happy stitching this week.

The Cozy Quilter said...

I feel exactly the someway about zoom meetings, I am really missing seeing people in person. I had my first vaccine this week so there is hope! Dad’s cloth looks great...I like the borders too.

Linda M @ Pieceful Kingdom said...

That looks like a fun dishcloth. Have a wonderful week!

SandraC said...

I've been fixated on my knitting applique at all. I think I'll tidy my spot in the living room and put sewing stuff away until the mood strikes again.

Miaismine said...

I hear you about the Zoom meetings, though at the same time I'm grateful for them! Yes, I totally understand you! I'll be binding and maybe even crocheting today!

Sherrie said...

Hi Kathy,
Love your dish pretty.
Have a great day!

AnnieO said...

We have video appointments with patients a lot of the day, but they can't see me and generally I don't see them, only the doctors.
Hope your dad likes his new knit cloth!