Sunday, April 04, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly celebration of the art of slowly stitching by hand! We encourage you to slow down, breathe deeply, take a few stitches, and enjoy seeing the slowly created projects of hand stitching gurus from around the world. 

Here in Ontario we are into our 3rd shutdown as the covid cases continue to rise once again. This 28 day shutdown will hopefully slow the spread enough to free up some ICU beds as the medical system is under tremendous stress.  Our vaccination roll out has been very slow so we are playing a waiting game to see who wins - the virus or the vaccines!

So once again, while we stay "safe at home", what else is there to do but stitch the days away?!

have a start and a finish to share with you today.

First, my new project is a grey washcloth square that I'm knitting for a gift. The pattern is from Knitwits Heaven. I just feel such a sense of accomplishment as I check off each of the rows!

And I finished another mini quilt. I added a round of hand quilting just for the added texture. I enjoy a combination of machine and hand quilting on a project.  These silicon needle grippers are my new favourite tool and I use them for most hand stitching these days.

Here's the finished miniature quilt
 made for International Quilting Day. There are 8 little nine patch blocks set on point. The squares in the nine patch blocks finish .5" in the quilt.

I also played around in the kitchen this weekend, making some creative edible (?) projects. This was my favourite for Easter brunch... a DIY deviled eggs chicks that are supposed to look like the photo on the darn cute!

But in real life, they turned out like this! Some mutant baby chicks (and these are the best ones!) There was a lot of time spent in the kitchen and a lot of giggling going on, but not much to show for it!

Wishing a Happy Easter to everyone!
Please link up your blog posts below and share what you are working on this week. 


Jenny said...

Ohh, those Easter chickens, they look too good to eat!

Gretchen Weaver said...

I think your deviled chicks look just fine. I'm impressed that you went through all the work to make them. Happy stitching!

CathieJ said...

I like your Easter chicks especially that making them made you giggle. Love the little quilt.

Little Penpen said...

Aw your egg chicks are cute, too! I like your pink heart quilt. The hand quilting makes it, for sure!

Created by Kathi said...

I love your heart quilted project and your easter chiks are precious!!! thanks for the linky this weekend too :) Happy Easter! Stay safe!!!

Angela said...

I love your heart quilt!

Linda M @ Pieceful Kingdom said...

Such cute chicks! I love your mini quilt and I'm going to have to pick up some of those needle grabbers. Have a wonderful Easter and stay safe!

Maggie said...

Love the Easter chicks, a healthy alternative. Those must have been eaten early, super cute.

The Cozy Quilter said...

The Easter Chicks are so cute! Your mini heart quilt ---wow! 1/2" squares are so small! I wonder what picture will appear in the gray knitting??? Happy Easter!

Ivani said...

Love your Heart mini quilt, Kathy!
The Easter chicks are cute. Happy Easter!!
Take care, stay safe and Happy stitching!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sorry it has gotten bad by you again - I think it will here too but we have been lucky and the vaccine roll out is doing good right now - we got our second shot on Friday so I will feel much safer in a couple more weeks. Happy Easter to you

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your heart mini is adorable and so are the chicks! Enjoy your stitching today, Kathy!

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

Your chicks are cute! And that little mini quilt is darling. Half inch finished pieces - my mind boggles.

Karrin Hurd said...

Those deviled chicks are adorable, as is the mini quilt! Happy Easter and Happy Stitching!

Sherrie said...

Hi Kathy,
Your mini quilt is really pretty. I like your baby duck
deviled eggs...really cute. Have a great day!

Barbara said...

Your little eggs are adorable!

Sherry said...

Love your deviled chick eggs. I made deviled eggs but not cute like yours, have a great Easter.

Sarah said...

I'm sorry you have to go into another lockdown, stay safe. I thought your mutant baby chics looked great! And your mini is very sweet, I do admire how accurate your stitching is.

MissPat said...

Your deviled egg chicks look fine and I'm sure taste great. Such tiny blocks in your heart piece. And I'm sorry you have to lockdown again. Parts of the US should be doing so, too, but there are too many people in denial and revolt to make it stick. I'm 2 weeks past my 2nd shot, so I feel somewhat safe, but I'll continue to be cautious about going out.

Julierose said...

I love your army of deviled chicks--so cute--and I'll bet they'll be so delish, too!!
Cutest little mini--boy those are tiny squares...Happy Easter to you and yours, hugs, Julierose

Birthe Marie said...

We also have a third close down here in Norway. We can only hope that the vaccination goes fast now.
The chickens are adorable. Almost too nice to eat. Love your heart miniquilt!

Debbie said...

Love the egg chicks! I bet it was funny to make those little devils.

Anonymous said...

OMG! The mini quilt is amazing!


ButterZ said...

Love your chicks eggs. They would have been a great talking point for the day so that would have been a lot of fun

Deb said...

Oh my gosh those deviled egg chicks make me smile, sure hope you have a happy Easter. The little mini quilt is so adorable. Hopefully after this 28 day lock down the vaccine will be flowing quicker and things can get back to a better place then right now.

Miaismine said...

Your deviled eggs are adorable! I'm going to have it give it a whirl! What did you use for they eyes?
I'm so proud of you and your knitting journey! You are coming right along! And those blocks on the mini quilt - wow! Thank you for sharing and hosting! :)