I am aware that my post today might be similar to me complaining about having a sliver when people around me are in agony, suffering and dying. I am also aware of the judgmental attitudes that have surfaced in the blogging world (which is a microcosm of the real world) exerting pressure on everyone to say/do the right thing, on the right day, in the right way. If you're needing some brilliant and insightful commentary on the state of the world, this is probably not the blog post for you to read today.
I am working hard on staying positive for my kids and everyone (I found this article from Dr. Allison Briscoe-Smith helpful)... and I would like to be able to keep blogging, as it has helped to sustain me over the years, and I hope it has helped others to stay positive and to use our love of quilting to keep ourselves stitched together. And so I need some help from my fellow bloggers about the new Blogger system.
Google/Blogger has changed to a new format, and we are being forced to relearn how to blog. We have until the end of June to learn the new system.
We all hate change (hence why we can't seem to get rid of COVID or racism). We get used to the way things are, and find comfort in knowing that things are working in a predictable way. And it takes so much energy, especially now, to relearn our programming. But re-learn we must.
And at a time in the world when everything has been changing and we are relearning how to do all the very basic tasks of life, including how to find food safely, and how to stay connected to our loved ones without being with them, it seems quite bit mean (IMHO) for Blogger to change their system now. The change is reportedly being made to allow easier blogging from mobile devices.
I have really enjoyed blogging for 15 years, and now it is a source of constant frustration.
For bloggers who are not committed to the practice or who don't love the process, I predict this change will be the end of their blogging journey. As for me, I will try to muddle along, hanging onto my hopeful belief that as time passes, all humans can become accustomed to all changes.
Reportedly I'm going to enjoy the ability to blog from my phone (highly unlikely since I use my phone as a phone, not as a computer) and supposedly I'll be able create tables of photos. But for now, I cannot even figure out how to post one photo properly. I struggled to write this post in the new blogger and changed back to the old format to fix it and be able to post. But our days are numbered in terms of the ability to utilize the old reliable blogger.
The Twist - a mystery pattern by Carole |
And to add some recent quilty content today, here is a photo of my most recently sewn quilt top (which I was only able to post on the old system).
I'm a fairly intelligent person, and when I can't even locate resource information to help me figure this out, I'm going to go out on a limb and say the new changes are a fail!
However, we are an adaptable and resilient species, so we try to blog/live on in the midst of all the upheaval, turmoil and changes.
My questions today are:
1) does anyone know where I might access "how to" information on using this new blogger platform? It appears to be well hidden and/or unavailable!
2) does anyone know of a more user friendly blogging platform in case I actually can't figure this out within the next 26 days?
If so, please leave a comment below or send me an email.
Sending love out to all of my blog readers around the world today, and hoping we can stay connected through all of our current challenges 💖