I have been sewing strings together to make a border for my May UFO and trying to finish it by the end of May...
yep, that's tomorrow!
The strings are coming from these scrap bags that my friend Sandy passed on to me. It's a different feeling (no nostalgia!) to sew scraps that I "don't know" but I am thankful to have them for this border.
This is how far I was as of yesterday. That is not even enough for 3 sides of the quilt! I think I might take out the soccer ball strips cause they really stand out.
And which quilt is getting these scrappy borders?
It's this scrappy spiderweb quilt that I started sewing many years ago. It has been in hiding for so long that there isn't a photo of it or any mention of it on my blog. I tried to remember when I started it...I know my kids were very young. But I see some millenium fabric in the blocks, so maybe it was around 1998/1999.
About 10 years ago I gave up on trying to sew the 25 blocks together because it was a nightmare matching up the seams.
If I matched up the intersection of 8 pieces, the purple edges were
impossible to match.
So, when it's number came up for the UFO this month, I just went ahead and sewed the blocks together the best I could and kept telling myself that "finished" is better than "perfect".
I was hoping to be able to have another finished quilt from my UFO list, but I think my goal for this month will have to be the satisfaction of finishing the top.
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