I haven't been accomplishing much this week. I missed quilt guild meeting and even missed QuiltCam last night **gasp**
What is going on?
This is going on...
I am captivated by my new Grandpuppy Max. He is just the sweetest little dog with the most wonderful loving disposition.
However, our crusty old Molly dog is not sure what to make of this young whippersnapper. She is not at all amused by his antics, and tolerates him at best. I spend a lot of time mediating! I know Molly will get used to having a young 'un around... it just takes old dogs a while to adjust to change.
Also, I have spent too much time on the computer this week, because a new 100 Blocks magazine has been released and the Quilty Pleasures blog is hosting an amazing blog tour. I am having fun visiting the block designers' websites to see some of their blocks and entering draws to win copies of the magazine. During the last blog tour I won a free copy of volume 7 AND a mug which I love (but not as much as I love Max!!).
So much fun to be had, and so few hours in the day!