First I am proud to say that only TWO new rainbow scrap challenge projects were started in 2016. That shows great self restraint for me!

1) Mad City Mama - It's a weird name for a quilt block, but it's a really cool block. The pattern is by Bonnie Hunter in her book Adventures with Leaders and Enders. I have finished 6 blocks and will continue with this one, adding a dark red, an aqua and a lime green block.

2) Circle of Squares - This is a really fun block collection and I have enjoyed sewing each one. The pattern can be found here. Again I have finished 6 blocks and will continue to make at least 6 more blocks for this quilt.
These are my older RSC Projects:
1) Alamo Stars
2) Omigosh
This is a 3 year old project and it is labour intensive. It will be a lifetime achievement (or not, and will be passed on to my quilting buddies to finish in the future). It uses up all the 1" pieces of fabric scraps and is a leader/ender project.
3) Palm Branches
This is my only paper pieced project and uses up small scraps also. I would like to finish this one in 2017 and need 2 more blocks.
4) Maverick Stars
I love this one too! It's a 6" block and is a great scrap buster. I have 30 stars at this point and will continue to fill in the missing colours this year.
5) Scrappy Sprouts
I don't know why, but this project fell right off the radar. Maybe it's something I only feel like working on during gardening season? I will continue to make more blocks to grow this scrappy garden.

6) Pumpkin Seeds
I haven't worked on this one for a long time. I have enough blocks done and have been pondering the border dilemma. I have a few purple blocks to complete this month and would like to sew the centre of this quilt together.
7) Carrie Nation
This one hasn't been seen on the blog this year. I lost interest in this project, the poor thing. It would be easy to finish.
8) All Tied Up in Knots - This project did not receive any attention this year. It's stuck at the layout decision stage. I saw a quilt at a show a long time ago that inspired some layout ideas, but then it got stuck at the math stage.
9) Spools - Is a quilt top! Ending on a positive note, my biggest RSC accomplishment this year was finishing my Spools quilt top. I'm very proud of sticking with it and am delighted with the outcome. I will be quilting this one in 2017.
So that's my RSC review to start the year. I'm hoping for some finished quilts this year so that I can brag about it at the start of 2018! I do love to participate in this ongoing challenge hosted by Angela over at SoScrappy. Thanks for all the fun and encouragement over all these years Angela!
I love having multiple projects -- and clearly you do, too. Your spools top is magnificent, BTW.
Spools is amazing! and #1 Mad City Momma a really neat block, would they be 12 inch or 18 inch blocks?
Wow your quilts are AMAZING! Love your blog.
What a great collection of blocks! Hope to see some of them as finished quilts this year! Wink!!
Your spools came out great!
What a beautiful collection of colorful, scrappy blocks! You go girl!
Beautiful rainbow collection you have. Congrats on finishing Spool Quilt. It is gorgeously scrappy! ;^)
Lots of WONDERFUL projects for the RSC!! Good luck with bringing them along to the flimsy stage during 2017.
you have some wonderful scrappy quilts going on. I have seen several quilters make OMG in a year or less and wonder how they have the patience for that - it would be a several year project for me, I have thought about it different times but never make it.
I love all these rainbow quilt blocks. These are all going to be beautiful quilts. Don't give up on them. Maybe this year you should just work on getting all these to quilt top status. Then you will feel good about having them at least all together. Keep some of these as smaller quilts so that you can get them done. They all look amazing already.
Wow, these are all amazing! I have never taken part in the rainbow challenge and look at all your projects. I am so impressed!
Each of these projects is attractive. I love the rainbow effect--can never get enough of "color"!! Your projects have ALMOST caused me to join the challenge a time of two, but I have resisted thus far. I just enjoy watching your progress. : )
Quite the collection here ! :) I have been debating whether to start something new for RSC / no decision yet :)
Those projects are all fabulous. I love all the colour, especially seeing them all together. You've just inspired me to start a new project for RSC this year. Good luck and perseverance moving the projects forward this year.
such great projects, looks like you have your work cut out for you, no pun intended !!! they are all beautiful, your spools quilt top is fantastic! good luck, look forward to seeing how it goes. from Iowa
lots of great quilts there! I like the sprouts, especially...
So many great projects! Love how you refer to them as a collection of blocks! I think I love collecting blocks too! It has been so fun watching you make all these.. and I even remember seeing all of them over the years.
Finishing seems to be a hang up for us all. Maybe a few of these will come together this year. Maybe even more?
You do gfood on your Rainbow Challenge! Keep working on assembling blocks and you'll have them finished in no time. My Favorite is your Circles. I did them in Greens.
What lovely quilts you are assembling. I wonder if you combined a couple of the quilts you've lost interest in and then you'd have a finish. I've seriously been considering participating in the RSC this year. These quilts are pushing me over the edge.
I love all your rainbows, and have enjoyed seeing you post about them. Those Alamo stars are a special favorite of mine! (And that spool top is jaw-droppingly gorgeous!)
I've only seen Carrie Nation as an individual block and thought 'meh' - but seeing a bunch of them together is an intriguing prospect!
Thanks for a look at all these beauties! (And for the pattern links. Not that I need another project, but still...)
You forgot to mention that you have to make your Alamo Stars under a microscope. And yikes, I remember your individual projects and am truly amazed to see them gathered for a family reunion.
Can't wait to see those Alamo Stars! LOVE your scrappy goodies.
What a lot of great projects!
If you don't finish your OMG quilt you can leave it to me in your will and I'll make sure it gets done and returned to your family.
It was fun to revisit all your RSC projects! I hope the RSC Muse is good to you this year!
I don't see a bad rainbow style quilt in the bunch. Love what you have done with the different blocks in the rainbow colors. What fun.
your projects are absolutely awesome! so inspiring.... I wasn't going to continue the RSC in 17 but now I might, I kind of want to do itty bitty blocks.... we'll see
Really like your projects you shouldn't get bored
Great projects!! They all deserve a finish. And I think those Sprouts could be calling my name...LOL!
Alamo Stars is ready to become a flimsy? I'm ecstatic!
My Omigosh need to be counted. I want to know how many I have left to do!
I'm also so excited that your spools are closer to being a finished quilt. All your work was absolutely worth it.
What an awesome review!! So do you always do more than 1 per year? If so, how will you hold back with just 2... won't the rainbows keep calling? ( ha ha)
Oh my, all these are inspiring projects! Enjoy moving some of them along this year.
Kathy: re-Alamo Stars. Maybe you can wait to see what Bonnie H does with her recently completed stars blocks? You could place your Alamos where her friendship stars for thought.
Wow, just wow!! I think the palm branches are my favorite but they are all just wonderful :)
Wonderful rainbow collection !
You have some real beauties in your RSC collection. I wonder how many will get started this year? lol
I never dreamed Somewhere Over the Rainbow looked this good! Awesome projects every one!
These are all sooo gorgeous! Although I don't have any rainbow scrap projects going, you have inspired me to work on some of my WIPs to get them to the finish line too 👍🏻
I'm most impressed with the Alamo stars which as i recall are 3.5" square and have 27 pieces in each. Would love to see them come out and play.
Your spool quilt is so beautiful. When I looked at it, I saw pinwheels and had to concentrate in order to see the spools, lol. It's a two-for-one in beauty and complexity! Thanks for including the link to toefeather for the Circle of Squares block.
So fun to see all your WIP's! Wow! I always enjoy watching your progress on your RSC's! I'm very tempted to join in but not sure if I should add one more thing before I finish up something else first.
WOW You are a block making machine!! I'd stop and start making tops - the next step in your leader and enders projects. So much color.
You've got some fun RSC projects in the works. I'm looking forward to seeing Alamo Stars all finished, the times you've put up the blocks that are done they just glow.
You proved that working on things a little bit at a time, eventually will reward you with a gorgeous top. The spools is just a delightful top!! The OMG is also fun in rainbow colorway---always thought it would be a CW collection for me, but may have to reconsider!! I don't post, but love to be a part of your tribe!!
Great RSC quilts...all deserving a finish. Little by little...LOL. Several of your block choices have been on my to do list!
Maybe you could combine some of the different blocks together, into one larger quilt (use some of those Alamo stars for sashing).
wow!!!!! So many great, colorful projects! I'm curious about all your stacked stars...LOL!
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