It's time to set a goal for finishing one of my UFOs in the month of May. I am going to finish my Triangle Stars.
The first step is to unsew that bottom left star block and reset the cube with the light side up to match all the other star centres. That is the mistake that resulted in the frustration that caused me to set aside this project.
After that is fixed, I can sew all the columns together, decide about a border (or not) and quilt it.
This is a quilt I started by accident. You know how it goes... one of those projects you see when you're on a shop hop, and you're smitten and have to make one?
See these fabrics? This is the pile of fabrics that started this star quilt ...so pretty and irresistible.
I saw them 2 years ago this month on a shop hop called "Goose on the Loose". Yep, that's a real thing, and it's coming up this weekend.
For the 11th year in a row I will be attending with my wonderful friend Louise. We will drive and shop all day, visit 6 quilt stores, and fill every minute with non-stop fascinating conversation, and it will be wonderful! Who knows what trouble we might get into this year! I just hope I don't start another new quilt!!
To see more UFO goals, hop over to the One Monthly Goal link up.
Sounds like a great. day out, have fun
Oh so fun!!!!! Great colours there...
I love this star quilt so much....I just might have to come up with one of my own. Although I kind of like the one that didn't turn out better than the ones with the boxes.
Sometimes I wish I lived in Southern Ontario. These shop hops are so fun! Miss them!! Have a blast!!
I would love to go shop hopping with you! It's a lot more FUN with a friend. Good luck on not finding a NEW quilt to make. Love the Triangle Stars. Great Goal for May.
Have a wonderful time with your friend at the shop hop! Can't wait to see what you find this year!
*LOL* I love the part about the non-stop fascinating conversation!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope to visit you regularly on Sundays.
I will try very hard to take care of my hand but it is difficult not to stitch.
Kathleen Mary
I love how the cube shines out of the star. Very clever design. Your colors look great.
Such a pretty quilt to pick as this month's UFO. Good luck with your goal. Happy shop hopping!
Too funny! We do a shop hop in Vegas as well, but only a few shops. So fun though!
The Triangle quilt is awesome, hope it is coming along!!
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