Life Is Beautiful block #20 |
This block took more than 2 months to finish and for some unknown reason the pattern had faded and was getting difficult to see. Maybe my eyes have deteriorated, but it was hard to stitch the last half of the block.
I traced over the pattern again with a red frixion marker and was able to see much easier to continue stitching.
This particular block had a lot of lazy daisy stitches, which made up all the leaves on the two trees.
What do you do while you are slow stitching? Do you listen to music or TV or radio? Do you like to stitch in silence, or while in conversation with loved ones? I enjoy all of the above at different times in my stitching life.
When putting in some of the stitches in this block I was "watching" Bonnie Hunter on QuiltCam, and of course while watching Downton Abbey on Sunday nights.
But recently I discovered (reading Cheryl Arkison's blog) that there is a "Slow Stitching Movement"! Who knew?!? The website has a list of 20 podcasts to listen to. I started with Cheryl's podcast and really enjoyed it, so am now listening to Gail Pan. It is fun to be slow stitching while listening to thoughts about slow stitching! There is some annoying background music at the beginning of the podcasts, but it goes away at about the 1 minute mark so stick with it.
I have another block ready to go into the hoop to begin stitching today.

I like the sentiment in your latest embroidery! I often catchup on a Desert Island Disc podcast but lately I've been sewing and watching the Sunday afternoon film. They are showing the James Bond films in order - Sean Connery -lovely!
That is such a sweet block! I have a few quilt designs with embroidery sitting in my sthash. After seeing your block, my finers are itching to start one! I knit at night, half watching whatever is on Netflix. It takes a lot for me to put down my knitting! lol
Glad to see your Life is Beautiful blocks out again. I love the sayings on each block. Happy SSS day to you,
When I hand stitch, my favorite thing to do is either being quiet or listening to the radio and Pat Sloan's podcasts. Thanks for sharing other choices. If I sew while watching Downton, I miss the scenery and their lovely attire.
Another beautiful embroidered block; these are always fun to see ! :)
Love seeing your work on Life is Beautiful! I was going to have my own new start of that quilt to show off this weekend but the fabric I ordered for it has a dye defect and has to be returned. I'll just live vicariously through you until I can get new fabric in. :)
My first choice is to listen to audiobooks while sewing at the machine. Next is silence. My brain cannot get to cluttered when I am trying to read a pattern or do too much thinking! I do like to have a hand stitching project prepared to work on when watching tv in the evening.
I enjoy reading your blog. You always have something great in the works.
Your little stitchery is, as always, so cute! I usually am trying to catch up with something on the DVR while sewing--I'm determined to get that thing cleared off!
Oh, I love that there's a slow stitching movement! Yay! We're part of a bigger movement that we had no clue about it! LOL! Enjoy your slow stitching day!! :)
I have some ripping and stitching to do. I normally have Netflix on my laptop and listen to various tv series that I didn't watch when they started, then I can go through one episode after another and not wait weeks to see what happened. Right now I am watching 4 season of The Good Wife
Love your block! I usually stitch while watching tv in the evening with the hubby (or Netflix in the afternoon by myself!). I also listen to podcasts on occasion while stitching. Have a wonderful Sunday!
I love your block...and, yes, I do think you say each one is your favourite! Thanks for the podcast suggestion, I listened to one this morning as I appliqued!
thanks for the fun podcast links for slow stitching... I am really enjoying them :) thanks also for hosting this Sunday linky.. it is my fave!!! :) Kathi
Thanks for the podcast link. Your latest block is adorable. I always look forward to seeing your stitching.
When I'm machine sewing I'm in my own space and love silence. When I'm doing hand work I'm in the living room and listen to whatever music my husband is listening to or watch/listen to whatever TV my husband is watching (although sometimes I'm actually tuned out and in my own mind zone).
In re Slow Stitching...I received a book at the beginning of the year entitled Slow Stitch, Mindful and Contemplative Textile Art by Claire Wellesley Smith that I enjoyed reading.
I love listening to music as I sew but somedays...the simple silence of the machine humming away is my company. Love your little embroidery blocks..I can't even imagine how you get it all done. I am determined to finish projects this year...stay tuned to see how I do!!!
Cute redwork Kathy! Life is Beautiful has great patterns. I'll try listening Cherryl's podcast. Thanks for the tip. Have a great Slow Sunday Stitching.
I usually watch/listen to netflix or cravetv or audiobook while hand stitching. But I think I’ll be checking out those podcasts. I went over to Cheryl’s and took a look. Some of them sound interesting.
I love your small embroideries.
I love listening to audio books and podcasts! Always listen to Pat's Sloan podcast. Thanks for sharing Cheryl's link I will be sure to check it out! Happy Stitching
I like to watch movies or TV while I'm slow stitching. If I'm hand quilting, I also like to listen to audio books (haven't done that in a while).
Continue to admire your sweet embroideries. Thanks for the info on the podcasts.
Haven't seen the podcasts but knew about the 'movement'. Will have to check it out!I usually visit with my family or just enjoy the quiet of the late evening. It is a lovely way to wind down for the day.:) Thanks for your great linkup!
I've tried the podcasts but they cut out and as the player's very primitive I have to go right back to the beginning - pants! And your blog link up is so so much better anyway! Depending on what I'm doing I like to stitch in silence for some reason, but if I'm doing something like my Ocean Waves quilt which is pretty straightforward quilting, I like to sit at my desk with a drama of some sort on my laptop like you :) I like Bonnie's videos too - she makes me laugh!
Congrats on another finish. I used to listen to pod casts while stitching, but I haven't done that in a while.
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