Thursday, January 08, 2015

Book Giveaway

I was recently given a copy of a new book by Viva Editions called "Imagine the life you'd love to live, then live it" by Peg Conley. The editor gave me this book in exchange for writing a blog post reviewing the book.

So here's my review...
What's inside this book?
There are 52 short chapters in this book, each one explains an idea or practice that will increase your creativity. Who doesn't want to be more creative, especially if you are a quilter? I have read many books over the years about creativity and was happy to read a new one. 
After reading this book, I was surprised to find that I am regularly practicing many of the suggested ideas. It was good to be reminded of why these choices are important, and to be mindful of the reasons why I continue to engage in some of the things I value, like LAUGH, PLAY, enjoy a massage, etc.  
There were a few new tasks I want to try, including "clean out your closets". That's a tough one for me because I like my stuff... especially my quilting stuff. And we all know about the never-ending UFO closets! But I recognize the value in what the author says:
" We have a tendency to hold onto things, but honestly, holding onto the past can clog up the plumbing".
That resonated with me since my house has had horrendous plumbing issues this past year. It's time to unclog the plumbing, clean out the closets, and get the creative flow going!  I'll let you know how that works out for me.

What do I like about the book?
I like that this is the kind of book that you have on your bedside table, and pick it up for a quick read of specific chapters you want to work on. There are many inspiring thoughts that remind you of small but important
things you could do to move forward in your life, and be more creative.
One of my favorite things about the book is that each chapter ends with a quote by a famous/inspiring person.
Here's one of the quotes I liked by Paulo Coelho: "Stop being who you were and become who you are."

What would I change about the book?
I would add colour. The author is a watercolour artist,  but the only colour in this book is on the cover. The book pages do not visually attract the attention of creative people. It would be like me writing a book about creativity and not putting any pictures of quilts inside!
And speaking of quilts, Peg gives a shout out to quilters on page 146 and describes us as "artists whose medium is fabric". And she has produced a fabric line available through Clothworks.

If you are interested in the topic of creativity, leave a comment below and I will draw randomly draw the name of the creative quilter who will read it next (after my Granddog Max is finished!).


SandraC said...

This book sounds intriguing, I think I'll have to look for it.....if I don't win it!

swooze said...

Sounds like an interesting read.

Karen said...

This book sound interesting. I need to be more productive. I have been cleaning and throwing things away and it does feel good. Thanks for a chance to win.

NADINE said...

Dear Kathy
your book review just makes me want to read this book !
THANKS a bunch for a chance to win it !
Now, crossing my fingers (AND toes) :))


Kay said...

I'd love to win the book as I'm feeling rather stuck. So one way or another I should probably get my hands on this book to get this year going.

Motherdragon's Musings said...

Hello Kathy
Your review of the book makes me want to read it. I am in a creative slump and need inspiration. I would be over the moon to win the book, andcafter reading it, I would be willing to pass it along to another quilter.

Deb A said...

Sounds like a good book. Closets... I am terrible about clearing them out but a new year is the perfect time to start going through drawers and closets and clearing out (not in the sewing room of course!).

Grandma M said...

Sounds like a great book to start the year. Thanks for the chance to win.

Deanna W said...

Oh no will there be anything left of the book when Max is done!?!?!!!
We do get ourselves in ruts from time to time and it is good to be reminded that we can finish or are allowed to just let go of the ones "clogging the plumbing"! Would love a chance to read it!!!

Jennie in GA said...

Sounds like a good NY's kind of book.

Ellen said...

I would be interested Kathy. Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I could use some organization. Thanks

Scrappy quilter said...

great review and I am all for creativity.

karen said...

Sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for the chance.

Sarah said...

I would love to read this book! ;) I would also like to know how Max exercises his creativity after reading the book!

Butterfly George said...

I need help "unclogging" the plumbing. Lol. Thanks! G

Unknown said...

I would love to win

Linda said...

I would love to have some help clearing out my clutter and have a bolt of creativity explode my life! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Cheryl said...

It sounds like an interesting (and times challenging) read. I like that it can be read in any order. Thanks.

Cathy said...

That sounds like it would be a good read. Althing that helps get ideas going is great.

Jeanna said...

Max is a very smart doggie!

Sounds Ike the book is full of good ideas especially if you already have some of those things incorporated into your life. I would be interested in reading it myself.

Thanks for the opportunity.

audrey said...

Lol Sounds like a great book! Love the idea of the quotes.:)

Sally Ann said...

sounds like a awesome book Kathy any direction is always wanted to declutter ! love todays blog!!

Quiltsmiles said...

Sounds like an easy read and great for contemplation. Good for you to learn that you already are embracing some of her suggestions.

Chantal said...

Yes, please. I love this kind of book. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I love reading books like this. They always provide some good "food for thought".

Emily C said...

I'm very curious to read this book

Susan said...

I am working on developing my own artistic "voice" as a quilter, and would love this book on creativity.

Quilting Nonnie said...

I've never read a book on creativity! I'd like to read this one; it sounds very interesting. Knowing that I can pick it up at intervals is a real draw. And, by the way, I looked at your 2015 UFO list. Two Bonnie Hunter!! You did a great job last year on Plaid Beauty, which I want to make someday!

Created by Kathi said...

Sounds like a great complement for this year goals I have... and to add to my morning devotional time :) Thanks for the chance Kathy :) Kathi

Pam said...

yes, would love to read a book like this!

carla said...

Hi!!!! I would love to have this book!!!! Very nice of you to share!!!! Thank You

sunny said...

I'm discovering that being creative is what makes me happiest. I'd love to read more ideas about how to increase my creativity. Thanks for a chance to win!

Quilter Bridget said...

I am in desperate need of a creativity boost...I haven't made a quilt in over a year! The longest dry spell ever!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

It sounds like a wonderful book :)

Sherry said...

The book sounds interesting. This year I am hoping to create more....this sounds like it would have info to help me with that.

Thank you for the review.

CathieJ said...

That book sounds great. I have added it to my wishlist. I would love to be entered into the Giveaway. I hope Max enjoyed it. LOL

Amy said...

The book sounds perfect for someone on the brink of retirement. Thanks for sharing.

maggyprime said...

What a wonderful hope. The life we want to live xo

Maureen said...

I like the idea that this could be used as a "chapter a week" book, with one focus area at a time. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kaelyn Angelfoot said...

Thanks for the review and the giveaway! It looks like an interesting book.

Suzanne said...

Sounds like a good read for the new year...Thanks for the giveaway!

Terri in BC said...

What a great idea for a book! I'm in the process of downsizing, which includes the sewing room which now also has to accommodate my other craft, scrapbooking. Perhaps I'll get inspired!

Kate said...

Creativity is one of things you can't have ever have enough of.

Quilted Lily said...

sounds like an inspiring book to read... Thank you for a chance to win this copy!

Shepherdess55 said...

Thank you for taking the time to read and review the book. I could use some creative inspiration.

Lynn S said...

Thank you for providing the book review! I will need to hunt this one down. I have two daughters who are artists too--so can pass this around the family too!

Diane said...

Your review has piqued my interest
Always enjoy your insightful posts even tho I've become a lurker rather than a blogger thee days 😳

Beverly C. Stigge said...

Since I hand quilt with a group called "Piecemakers" weekly at a local church, our 20 members of various ages would like to share this New Year creativity read! Thank you for the offer.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I'm sure you've already drawn for this book, (I'm really behind on reading blog posts), but, if you haven't, I'd be interested in it (if the dog is thru with it).