So here are my blocks finally finished and on the design wall.
Wow...that's a lot of pink!
This is the option #1 - straight layout of blocks (I have enough blocks for one more column but my design wall wasn't large enough to put them all up). I think I'll take that bright green block out (in the 3rd row)!
And this is option #2 showing part of the blocks with the on pointe layout. Using this layout would make a much larger quilt, which would be fine. When I looked at this layout on the computer screen, I wondered about a light colour sashing between the blocks (because it's just too much pink!) and pulled the blocks apart a bit more to see what it might look like with a sashing...

This is layout #3 - on pointe with a light sashing. And with the techniques I learned in the class with Martha on Saturday, I could totally see myself using a "quilting in sections" technique on this quilt!
Which layout do you prefer?
Hop over to Patchwork Times to see what other quilters are working on today .
I like the on point with light between, though when they are together the hst make a nice pattern. Ok, I can't decide! On point for sure!
I like option 3!
I vote for option 3 also...I love the little bit of light breaking up all the pink. It's going to be beautiful when it's finished!
I prefer #3 - I did the original and it will wait for quilting/finish next year.
I like number 3. Do you belong to Bonnie's yahoo group? If you do you can go into the photo section and see lots of other people's quilts. There were several people who did not do the string blocks either. Maybe you could get some inspiration from those photos.
#3 for me too. It's good to move forward with the project. I can't wait to see what you decide.
I like the last photo with the space between the blocks. It gives the eyes a place to rest.
I like the 3rd one-and you'd get to use a newly learned technique too.
I love the second one,...
I vote for the on point with sashing. Good job getting it finished up!
I did the original, too; it's together but not quilted. I like version #3 but I wonder how it would look with a tan colored sashing strip. I like pink/tan/brown together and maybe it would help to mellow the pink out some.
Good Morning KLathy,
I like option #3. It will be wonderful using your new technique you learned in your class on the weekend!
I really like it on point. The light sashing would look great to break up the pink triangles. Or maybe use your greens as a scrappy sashing.
I love this quilt without the alternate block and I am really drawn to all the pink in layout 1!!! Enjoy making your final decision.
I do have a mind of my own--I think--but I am voting with the majority. The third option wins for me! I really like that you made this your own way.
Option 3 - no question!!!
I really like Option 3 - great job! This makes me wonder where my RRCB UFO is . . .
Beautiful, Kathy! The never-ending leader-ender worked out great :)
I like the sashing idea, and on point looks wonderful. Personally, the bright green block is my favorite :)
This is one of my favorite Bonnie patterns, too. Your color choices are outstanding, and I like the on point with sashing the best.
I would definitely use sashing!! Who wants to match and press all those points in the HSTs?? If you want a larger quilt, you could use fabric alternate blocks. The blocks, and the pink, are beautiful. Way to go!
#3 works for me too. AND you could add a cornerstone between the sashings, which would make a nine-patch as a "semi-" alternate block!
I like #3. And I would definatly leave in the block with the lighter green. If it was part of the stash, so be it.....it adds character. I did this quilt as well, and am looking forward to the next mystery. :)
I like them all, but I would say that I prefer #2.
Gotta put my vote in for number three. The extra space makes it seem less pink. Though when the HST triangle units meet up it makes a nice sawtooth design, it would be a real bear to put together with all those butting seams. If you add some of the green cornerstones between the light strips it would make a cool nine patch where the blocks meet. You could use string blocks just in the setting triangles if you want to keep the same feel, or even cheat and use a striped cream fabric to get the feel of string blocks. Anyway you finish it up, it is going to be a great looking quilt. Congratulations on your perseverance.
Well, I like the third one also. I think it makes the blocks take on more importance. It will be a beautiful quilt.
I am going to jump on the #3 bandwagon. The light colored dashing will really set off the blocks.
I'd pick either 2 or 3. At first I thought 3 because I like the spacing between the blocks. Then I thought 2 because I like how all the squares come together to form a secondary pattern. I'm sure whatever you pick out will be wonderful!
I like option #3. It makes a much more interesting quilt than #1.
Nice blocks. I like #3. I am going to want to start a new mystery too and all my blocks are in a box until I find some time. Yikes, I'd bettered get on those.
I like option #3. The blocks look great!
I like 3 too. Of course, it's more work.
well you know I used the quilting in sections for my memorial quilt and it worked great - good luck!
The pinks are what attracted me to your quilt blocks. Not too much at all. I saved the directions for the quilt but have not done anything towards making it.
I save d the steps for that one too. I didn't get it started and when I saw the string steps I put it all away. Another vote for #3 You could figure that would be my vote, I love on-point and not just because it makes a bigger quilt. I like the idea of a corner square in the sashings too.
Kathy -- your readers have picked #3 which is my choice too. But I like the idea of putting setting stones in and getting what will look like a 9 patch at the junction. People will really have to look to figure out how you did that. You could use the same colors in the setting stones as you did in the outside corners of the blocks. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do. good luck.
Oh I love all 3!
Definitely love Option #3! I need to finish up that mystery, too.
I like #3 ... no question.
I would like No. 3!
what about trying a burgundy sashing? Or a brown. My 2 cents worth.
Sign me up for option 3. I also agree that you should audition a few other sashing choices because you never know when one will really sing. Oh, DON'T leave out the bright green block. Those are what make a quilt more interesting.
I like the third layout!
I like the third layout best.
I am also making RRCB, I made all the blocks and have them all together except for one long centre seam. I have the border made but can't seem to get back at it. I love option 3 but I would play with a dark sashing if you have some of the darker fabrics you used just to see how it looks. Have fun.
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