First, the good news...I have finished sewing my
Double Delight blocks together and here is th

e quilt top so far!! I was really impressed with how the rows fit together, all the seams locking perfectly, and the whole quilt top was truly a delight to sew.
Now the bad news....since my creative self changed my version of the Double Delight design (without my permission!) to make the 9 patch blocks on the edges, I had at least 10 of the Rolling Star blocks left over. And since they took forever to make, I figured I had to find a way to include them in the quilt. I thought I might sew them into the backing, or make another smaller quilt.
But no...I just couldn't let go of the idea of sewing them into the border somehow. So I spent all of my sewing time on the weekend (I am not took me hours!!) chan

ging 4 of the Rolling Star blocks into star blocks -without the rolling part!! But because of the way the blocks were constructed I had to pry open the ends of 16 seams on each block and then re-sew the two sides of each star point! Stupid idea! But once I started and realized how long it would take, I couldn't convince myself to stop! So I finished reconstructing 4 of these blocks for cornerstones on the borders.
Then I had to figure out the fabrics for the borders and tried a thousand (perhaps a slight exaggeration) combinations. Finally I decided on my favorite borders and started cutting only to guessed it, that I didn't have enough of the teal fabric left for an inside border! More bad news! I flopped around and moaned and complained for a while, and thought about starting over on the whole border idea or skipping the borders altogether, but I was already too far into the cutting of the teal and the floral fabrics to start over without wasting fabric. And it is no longer an option to skip over to the quilt store and pick out some new fabric...I am a committed Stashbuster with a serious fabric storage problem and I am not buying anymore (until I go to Paducah and then I am totally having a fabric buying binge!).

So instead of 2 borders (teal and then brown floral) I cut the teal in half to have enough to go all the way around the quilt, and then had to add a 3rd border of raspberry to make up the measurement...UGH! Here is a photo of my original border idea.
Now I am not a border's usually the time when a UFO suddenly appears because I get frustrated or don't have enough fabric left, or I get bored. But not this time because I am forcing myself to finish these borders if it kills me! Tune in tomorrow to see if I have good news or bad news to report!!