In the first anvil block I sewed, I couldn't get the background or the brown stripe fabric going in the same direction.
One of my favorite Maya Angelou quotes is: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."
So I've decided I like it like this!
I am going to try to apply the same strategy to my braces. I got a full set of railroad tracks on my teeth 6 months ago, and it has turned out to be one of the most challenging things I have ever done. I had my braces rewired yesterday and today I can feel my heartbeat in my bottom teeth...oh, how they ache! Well, let's can I change my attitude? I will focus on how much these teeth must be moving for them to hurt the way they are...maybe I will be able to get the braces off earlier with all this pain? I guess that ending this torture earlier might be worth the pain!?! After I brush my teeth (very gently), I am going to sew a few more mini anvil blocks.
oh you poor thing being in pain from braces, I never had to use that, but I think both my kids will though. my father in law is already saying I need to take them to be looked at, but they are only 7 and 9 and my dentist says to wait until they have all their grown teeth..... I have the same toothbrush BTW, bought the two pack and my husband's brush didn't vibrate :-(
hang in there
That is a whole lot of pieces for a 12" block!!
Oh, I feel for you, Kathy! As I have told you before, I had braces as an adult for almost 4 years. In the beginning I think the adjustments were more painful. As time passes they don't need to be moved as much with each adjustment, so it wasn't always so bad. At least that was my experience. : )
207 Pieces for the anvil block, is this a typo? How many blocks are you making? Sorry your teeth hurt. It's hard to sew/quilt when you are hurting.
Sounds like you are making the best all around. Sometimes that is the most any of us can do.
How I admire your tenacity at sticking with those braces! Just keep thinking how wonderful it will be when your teeth are how you want them and the braces come off :)
I like the block that way too. Hopefully your teeth stop hurting soon.
That's a whole lot of pieces in one block!! Sorry to hear that you are having pain.
The block looks great, the stripes aren't so bold that you would notice. What I've done in the past to get all the stripes to line up is make a map. I start with scrap fabric and carefully note which way it has to line up versus the diagnol to get all the squares I need with the stripes all going in the right direction. I map each unit I need for the block. It is time consuming to do that, but if stripes going different directions bugs you, it's worth the time investment.
Hope your teeth quit huring soon.
OUCH! I feel for you. When your mouth hurts it is more painful than anything. Love the block though!
I love the fabric line (colours) you are using for your Anvil blocks, these should look great!
Braces, never had to have them, but teeth/gum aches are no fun, hope you get through it alright!!!
Sorry to read that your braces are giving you pain. It will be so worth it!!!! I have so much wire in my mouth, I'd better not stay outside in a lightning storm:) Take care! We will have wonderful "bites."
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