Not once, but TWICE, there has been a knot in the thread coming off the in 2 ends of thread tied together!!! I am machine quilting at a high rate of speed and the first knot snapped my needle in half and scared the living daylights out of me! When the knot got to the eye of the needle and couldn't get through the eye, something had to give!
The second time I saw a knot coming off the spool, I said some not nice words and was able to stop in time to take a photo! Can you see the knot in the thread there?!? That will not go through a quilting needle! So I have to catch it in time, stop quilting, cut the threads, rethread the machine/needle and start quilting again....or else risk breaking another needle....yikes! I have never had this happen with my beloved Aurifil thread (no affiliation, just a very happy customer!).

For a very inspiring blogpost on "Quilting Without Fear" (not including when the thread you are using has knots in it that snap your needle in half!!) hop over to the Free Motion Quilting Project. Leah also has a quilt along happening weekly, but I know for sure I can't keep up with that frequency.
I've had thread that was tied together before too-twice actually but on different spools. First time it broke my needle and yes I think I screamed it scared me so badly. I think that's amazing that you saw the 2nd one before it went through your machine.
I would send a copy of that photo along with the broken needle taped to a piece of cardboard to the thread company and tell them you don't appreciate knots in your spool. It is not safe! Maybe they will send you some free thread, hopefully knot free.
I agree with Anne Marie...complain. It is no fun to break a needle and be terrified at the same time....grrrrrrrrr...join The FMQ challenge....I am new to it and it is fun...I'll never be professional...I am a hand quilter...and love it. But I want to learn to be comfortable..And so far; it is not overly time that is great!!
I would complain also. It isn't safe!
Thankfully the broken needle only scared you and didn't cause you any physical harm. The piece that broke off could have become a missile. I would certainly complain to the thread company.
I've had that happen with WonderFil thread, too! Please post if you write to the company, and if they respond...
I'm sure the company would like to know you had a problem with Knots in the thread. I'm glad it didn't fly up and get you in the eye- good thing to wear glasses, right? I'm trying to resist a few more of the things I see in Blogland. Good Luck with your resisting...
Yeah for getting the quilting done. Boo for the knotted thread. Send an email to the company with the picture and casually mention the blog .... they don't want bad publicity ... I'd bribe you with new, unknotted thread if I were them!
Hi, your brother sewing machine looks similar to my Juki TL-98, just curious how much do you pay for this machine and if you mind sharing your pro & con about this jem?
Thanks yea... Lily from Singapore
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