Sunday, March 16, 2025

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to Slow Sunday Stitching! It's the day of resting, moving slowly, breathing deeply, and hand stitching. 

I have been making a mess in my stitching room, moving things around, looking at projects, and thinking about why I am not accomplishing as much as I used to?

One of the reasons for sure is this little stinker who doesn't like to sleep in the night! This photo of me rocking my grandbaby was taken at 4:20 am - he prefers snuggling to sleeping and who could blame him?!?! However, his parents are exhausted and I am so happy to rock a baby - night or day! So that takes up a lot of stitching (or sleeping time)! They have threatened to hire a "sleep consultant" so my night time snuggles may soon be coming to an end!

Another reason for my lack of progress is due to having too many starts, and not enough finishes. I have little piles of projects everywhere with all the fabrics, threads and supplies. 

Here is an example. This week I started a St. Patrick's Day stitchery. 

It was a free pattern that came to my inbox from Primrose Cottage. If you are a newsletter subscriber, you receive free patterns once a month. How could I resist that? I couldn't! I grabbed some greens, a gold, and a black floss and started stitching on 18 count aida fabric. I got obsessed and forgot everything else I wanted to work on this week. And then I decided it had to be finished by St. Patrick's Day, which is tomorrow. So ridiculous!

So today I will be finishing this little stitchery into a wallhanging and am excited about meeting my self imposed deadline. And then I will try to get back on track with what I had planned to work on last week.

What are you obsessed with lately? Are you madly trying to finish any St. Patrick's Day projects before tomorrow?


Jenny said...

Such a gorgeous grand baby, no wonder you are loving those cuddles. And I can totally relate to your statement, too many starts and not enough finishes!

Kim said...

Aww.....I'd rather be snuggling with a sweet grandbaby than stitching any day or night. He is so very sweet. Your St Patrick's Day cross stitch will be a lovely finish for tomorrow.

Kathy S. said...

Who can blame the cutie for wanting snuggles? He's adorable. Love your St. Patrick's Day stitching.

The Cozy Quilter said...

I could easily get distracted from my projects by that cutie too. Your St Patrick’s day stitching is pretty…nice to have it done on time. Now, you can work on getting another project done. I’m hoping for some stitching time this afternoon.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

What a precious of photo of your little guy, Kathy! I hope his days of not sleeping at night don't last long, but until then, you can enjoy holding and rocking him. Your St. Patrick's Day stitch is adorable!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Cute stitchery!

Kate said...

They are only little for a bit, it goes way to fast. I had one that wouldn't sleep unless snuggling, it does make that first year really long. So glad you can step in and help. You'll get back tot he heavy stitching later, baby cuddles don't last.

CathieJ said...

Enjoy those late night baby snuggles. They go by too quickly. Now you've got me subscribing to Primrose Cottage. I don't need more projects any more than you do. I'm sure you will return to all those projects soon.

Karrin Hurd said...

Adorable baby, I would be distracted too, wanting to hold him. I have been starting a bunch of new things, when I have piles of half-finished things I should be finishing or quilting. Lovely St. Patrick's day piece.

Rebecca Grace said...

Oh my goodness; your little grandbaby is so precious! You ought to just add him right to the top of your weekly priorities list because that's where he belongs anyway. The other projects wait patiently for us anyway. And I think your St. Patrick's Day stitching is a wonderful and well-earned distraction for you in between the other projects that stretch on and on.