Sunday, March 23, 2025

Slow Sunday Stitching

Every Sunday we roll out the welcome mat for like-minded hand stitchers to gather for a party. Thank you for joining us! We encourage you to get out your hand stitching project and put in a few stitches. Then make yourself a cup of your favourite beverage and visit other hand stitchers around the world to see what they are working on today.

This week I finished another older cross stitch  called Matryoshka Doll. This is still a free pattern on the Tiny Modernist website. I loved stitching on this, especially using the brightly coloured threads. I changed the colour of the bird on the left so the baby birds would be slightly different. The plan is to turn this stitchery into a project bag. Wish me luck!

One of the things I don't talk much about is what kind of hand stitching needles I use. Basically I use whatever needle I can find and am unaware of any preference.

This is the adorable chicken that my friend Debby uses to store her wonderful needle collection. I was surprised to see how many brands of needles she has and what stitching tasks they are considered to be best for.

Do you have a needle preference? A particular brand or size you recommend? I'd loved to hear about it! Link up your blog post below and share your projects and needle preferences with us!


cityquilter grace said...

the only brand i am loyal to is s. thomas quilting needles...i find they do not bend easily...otherwise it's whatever i have on hand...

Barwitzki said...

I'm currently getting into hand sewing needles because I broke two needles during my first binding... I have great knitting needles and a very good selection for the sewing machine needles, too – but I had no experience with hand sewing. Now I have short, very thin needles for binding my quilt, and yes, it's a pleasure to sew with them... I feel like I'm meditating when I hold the needle in my hand...
Thanks for the tip about the needle bag! I'll sew one!
Best, Viola

The Cozy Quilter said...

What a fun finish! This will make a cute project bag. I have tried out a variety of needle brands and types over the years. I usually just grab whatever is close at hand for whatever I am sewing. I learned the hard way to always have spare needles with me when I sew in the car. I dropped my needle while cross stitching on a long trip and could not find it. When we got to our destination, we had to find a sewing store to buy some more…

Angela said...

I use whatever needle the thread will fit through! I am not picky.

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

What a cute little doll! I love the bright colors.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your Matryoshka doll stitch is just adorable, Kathy! I love your friend's needle bag, too. I have to admit I don't pay a lot of attention to particular types of needles and what they are for, but I probably should! Did Debby give you a list you could share? That would be good information to have!

Kate said...

Your Matryoshka Doll turned out beautifully! Very colorful. I don't have a needle preference for my hand stitching. Though I have to admit as I've gotten older, the ones with the bigger eyes cause much less frustration!

Karrin Hurd said...

Love your stitching!. I generally use the Piecemakers needles I have had for
years and years and years. I have embroidery needles, tapestry needles, silk ribbon needles, etc.

Kathy S. said...

Oh your nesting doll is super cute. That will be great on a project bag. Thanks for the reference to the free pattern. The chicken bag is adorable. My needle preferencer is those having a bigger eye so that I don't have to struggle threading the needle. I don't really care for the self-threading needles. They have come undone for me a time or few.

JustGail said...

I use whichever needle I can find and get threaded. If there are further choices available, I choose from blunt or sharp point depending on what fabric I'm working on, or change size depending on what thread or yarn I'm using. Sometimes I have to set aside a project until I can get to the needle stash and pick a needle from there. The downside is - once removed from the package, I have NO idea what brand or type it is.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I use a Roxanne between size 10 for almost everything that includes EPP and hand quilting and hand piecing I just feel comfortable with a small needle and I use a clover double sided needle threader when needed.

grammajudyb said...

I have a preference for cross stitch needles. John James is a good one. Size 28 or 26. I don’t much care for the Artiste needles from Hobby Lobby. I had one break and the eye is rough. For other hand sewing, I use the smallest I can easily thread and I do not know what size. I think I should keep them separate in a needle book, but I don’t .