Sunday, May 28, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party!

Why not pick up your project and put in a few stitches today? That's exactly what I'm planning to do this afternoon. I started knitting a dishcloth with a bee skep pattern from an old book called "Garden Dishcloths" that my friend Debby found. I am really enjoying this project so I plan to do some knitting.

This week I finished embroidering the word "home" in the centre of a pieced block which will become part of a donation quilt.

I also want to share with you a bit about the Mennonite Relief sale and quilt auction that happened yesterday.  Although my sewing group didn't have a quilt to donate this year, I was inspired to get working on our group project for next year.

Here is a terrible selfie of me
 volunteering at the sale.  I think I got a bit dehydrated and started to feel unwell, so I didn't stay until the end like I usually like to do. 

Since covid, they have capacity to include online bids, and you can see on the photo below on the TV screen where the bids are coming in from (across Canada and the USA).

This is a quilt named 
"China Blue" that my friend Sandy pieced and donated and it raised $725!

There was so much inspiration to take in! I love to hear ladies oooing and ahhhing , pouring the details of  gorgeous quilts. There was a lot of that going on!

One of my favourite quilts was this tiny little treasure named "Wheel of Fortune" made with exquisite workmanship by Henny Bremer. 

-543 patches
-62 different fabrics
-size 11" x 8 "

I also saw many lovely labels and pretty backing fabrics. Look at this label on the back of "Quilt Addict Tulip Time" which reads: "Am I a quilt addict? Well yes, Oh no, Yes yes yes, Shhh maybe, No I am not, Yes I am today, Define addict?" Well that covers all the possible answers!  LOL

And of course I was inspired by all the lovely handwork I spotted. Just look at this gorgeous embroidery on a quilt called "Paisley". It didn't show well from a distance, but up close, this quilt was so beautifully done.

I hope you were inspired by my photos to pick up your stitching and make some progress today. And please link up your blog or instagram post below so we can enjoy your creativity.


Angela said...

I think you look beautiful in your selfie! We were travelling home so missed the auction. Maybe we will get there next year.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

There was definitely lots of quilty inspiration at the sale! I love the tiny quilt - so many pieces. Enjoy your stitching today, Kathy!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

pretty quilts!

The Cozy Quilter said...

My high school home ec teacher took me to the Quilt auction when I was in grade 10. We had a great day! So much eye candy at the auction! I would love to go again sometime. Enjoy your knitting today.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

What a marvelous event, so clever to continue online bids to make the most money!

CathieJ said...

Beautiful photos from the auction. I think I may plan to attend next year. I like the washcloth you are knitting.

Julierose said...

That Wheel of fortune quilt is spectacular--;)) sorry you began to feel ill...hope you are better now...
Hugs, Julierose

Karrin Hurd said...

Love the glimpse of the quilt auction. I have a tendency to get dehydrated when I am doing events too. Great projects you are working on!

Linda said...

Such gorgeous quilts.

Miaismine said...

Pretty start to your dishcloth! I love the Home block…it says so much with such a simple word…
I hope you are feeling better! Goodness! I’m so glad your friends quilt brought in such a large amount! People in your area certainly appreciate quilts!
Thank you for sharing such lovely photos – and yes – I’m insprired. Will be working on my Bee Humble piece. 😊

Deb A said...

You look beautiful in your selfie (and so young!). What a beautiful set of quilts they had this year. Love your knitting.

AnnieO said...

What a great quilt show and auction--glad bids were coming in well.
Your stitchery looks cheerful and fun.
Wow, your hair is getting long :)

Jill said...

Thank you for sharing the quilt show photos from the sale. Awesome your friend’s quilt raised a large sum. Hope you feel better!

Kim said...

The quilts donated to the auction are all marvellous. How fabulous so much money raised. I too think that the quilt "Wheels of Fortune" is a beauty. Cute selfie of you.

Lyndsey said...

That's a lovely selfie of you, you look fabulous even if you didn't feel it. The quilts are a real inspiration.