Sunday, December 13, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! Make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and visit the links below for some creative inspiration. 

It's a busy time of year and there is a lot to be done for Christmas, but for a few minutes today, just breathe and stitch, and take a break from all your worries.

I'll be continuing my knitting and hoping to finish this in time for Christmas gift giving. I'm enjoying knitting with the straight needles and my goal for slow stitching time today is to be half way done this cloth.

What are you hand stitching today? We still have 12 days until Christmas and that's lots of time to finish some special hand made gifts for loved ones. I look forward to seeing what you're working on this week. Stay well everyone!


The Cozy Quilter said...

Good morning! You are knitting up a storm! I tried using straight needles for one of my projects and it was a total disaster! I had to rip everything out 3 times. Ugh! Thanks so much for hosting this group each week! I have made quilty friends all over the world.

Kate said...

Love the bold red yarn you are using for your knitting project. Enjoy your hand work this week, whatever form it takes.

Sarah said...

That red yarn is gorgeous! Is it really only 12 days to Christmas? Gulp!

Ivani said...

Beautiful color for this new tricot piece. Enjoy and relax with your new needles.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Thank you for hosting, so many nice projects.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Enjoying the other projects. My hand stitching has sat for another whole week. I am busy taking out the quilting on a small quilt I really messed up. Maybe I'll get to this kitchen stitching soom.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I will be knitting and cutting pieces for the pineapple quilt - hope you are doing well!

CathieJ said...

It looks like you are already half-way done with that cloth. Very pretty.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I realized recently that the slow stitching I do every evening really does make a difference in how I'm feeling. Thanks for promoting that, Kathy! Enjoy your knitting today!

Denise :) said...

Ooooh, what a pretty red! Like you, I'm working on projects I hope to have finished "in time" ... 'tis the season!! Have a great day, Kathy!! :)

Karrin Hurd said...

Great new cloth! Love that red! Happy knitting!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Love that knitting. I am crocheting something presently and enjoying working with wool again. Meanwhile I love that gorgeous quilt in your header. You are a quilting queen!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Love the knitting - nothing new to show today - but trying! Your projects are always so pretty!

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

Thank you for Slow Stitching Sunday, I do try each week to sit and sew but often forget to take photos. You always have so many projects on the go.

Deanna W said...

The countdown is on for getting projects finished. I thought I was almost done and now am thinking of adding a couple more knitted items...arggg I should just stop!! We had 6+inches of snow overnight and so shoveling was in order for the morning. That meant that this afternoon I sat with the heating pad and did some knitting! Good luck with your project finishes!

Birthe Marie said...

So beautiful red color on the cloth. What a great Christmas present. :-)