Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Good Fortune!

It has been a wonderful whirlwind of activity around here, with visiting, game playing, puzzling, cooking, and other shenanigans. Quilting time has been sparse, but I did get enough time to sew my blocks for step #5 of the Good Fortune mystery over at Quiltville. 
Also, there may have been a tiny bit of swearing going on for a few moments. Santa gave me a "pass" this year as I didn't want to be on the naughty list again!

I read the instructions, cut all the blocks, sewed the background and gold pieces together and they were the wrong size to sew to the blue triangles. Say what?!?!
I checked the instructions again. DUH! I cut my pieces with  Bonnie's Essential Triangle Tool using the HST method instead of the QST method. The instructions were clear, but my brain didn't follow them. No explanation will suffice.
I had to recut and resew all those pieces. See the wrong ones on the cutting mat above the properly sewn blocks?!? They will be pressed and I'm sure they will find their way into something... maybe the backing of the quilt?!?

Anyway, here are all my finished units in the storage box. So pretty and patiently waiting for the next step. Hop over to the Quiltville link up to see all the wonderful colour combinations quilters are using in their Good Fortune quilts.


Karrin Hurd said...

I had to unsew 2 of my orange and neutral ones as they were facing the wrong way. Have to sew 44 of the blue triangles on and I will be done with this clue. Then on to last weeks to get that done. Great work for being caught up!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I caught myself about to sew a stack of the orange/neutral pieces in the wrong directions and also I sewed a narrow quarter inch which resulted in trimming all of those pieces to size - that took awhile - sorry yours were cut wrong - I swear I read those instructions I don't know how many time before I was comfortable doing it.

Mary said...

I have a bit more to do. I love seeing the 5 parts in a box. I try to tell myself there's a Quilt in those parts. No clue where they're going yet. No guesses. We had a bit of game playing here also. Happy times.

Jacqui's Quilts said...

Glad I read your blog before going to cut my pieces this morning! I will pay close attention to those instructions and double and triple check them! You are good to get them all done...I'm doing the whole quilt and have clue 1, 2 and 4 done, but am plugging away at #3...those are a lot of sewing, cutting and trimming! But, it's coming...should get them done in half an hour or so and hope to get these blocks done today as well :-). Looking forward to seeing Friday's blocks!

Vireya said...

I am so looking forward to seeing how Bonnie puts all these pieces together!

Shelina said...

That sounds like something I would do. I am glad you figured it out and got through it and were able to make the corrected blocks without losing your momentum.