Sunday, February 11, 2018

Slow Sunday Stitching

Slowest Stitcher Medal

Welcome to the olympic sport of hand stitching! It's all about the olympics this week, so let's classify our slow stitching as an official event. I'm in the turtle competition for slowest stitcher on the planet. I think I could get a gold medal in the event. 
Anyone want to compete with me for the Slowest Stitcher Medal?!?

I will be hand quilting my oldest UFO today, which was started in 1996. Can you beat my outstanding accomplishment for slowest progress ever on a project?!?! LOL
Are you a fan of the Olympics? Will you be stitching while watching the competitions today? 
I love this sentence from the New Yorker
"The Olympics feel like a testament to human pleasure: let us gather, and do these pure and ridiculous things for fun."

That sounds like Slow Sunday Stitching too ... let's do pure and ridiculous things, and spread the fun over many years!
Link your blog post below and share your slow progress with us!


    An InLinkz Link-up


Gretchen Weaver said...

No one is handing medals for fast quilts. Your quilting look so nice, your medal will be your sense of accomplishment when the quilt is finished. I used to enjoy watching the winter olympics, especially figure skating but not anymore. My husband is into basketball so that's what on our TV in the evenings.

Deb from Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I like your funny analogy!

CathieJ said...

I can compete, but I am not sure I would win for slowest stitcher. The first quilt that I ever attempted was a queen-sized quilt for my bed that I was determined to hand-quilt. I started it in 1985 and completed it in 2002. I was motivated to finish it because we were remodeling our home and I didn't want it to get ruined during the construction. Maybe I qualify for a silver medal. I will be stitching and watching Olympics most of this rainy day.

Jill said...

Such a clever and appropriate post. Most of my friends and family do not get why I sew/stitch by hand. Love watching the Winter Olympics while I hunker down and sew although not the most calorie-burning. Lol. We shall wait and see if an older UFO emerges to challenge you.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I will be appliqueing while the Olympics is on - we have two tv's in the house so if we both want to watch something different we can. I love to get a quilt done so I can use it

Cathy said...

I'm never in a hurry to do anything. That's the nice thing about retirement...I don't have to deadlines.

I don't watch much TV but if I do it's what hubby decides to watch. He doesn't watch the Olympics.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I've been watching the Olympics when I can. My husband is not too excited to watch, but I love the Winter sports.

I sent an email to you directly about the needle pull in your block picture. I have been searching everywhere for another one. If you or a reader knows where they can be bought, please email me.

crldelater at yahoo dot com.

xx, Carol

Sarah said...

Lol! No I think you are definitely a gold medalist! Love the Olympics, some of the sports are mad. But I've just watched an Austrian win a gold in the luge, an outsider! Love it when that happens.

Deb said...

LOL I think you may have to take the Silver, my oldest UFO that I am still stitching is from 1989, I posted about it today.

Marie said...

I think I could give you a good run for your money in the race for 'Slowest Stitcher' gold but as long as it's fun I'm all in. Enjoy your day.

Suzanne said...

I don't think I have any projects older than 1996, but I could be fooling myself. I am taking part of a knit project on during the Olympics. You knit while watching the Games (cast on during the Opening Ceremonies-finish during the Closing Ceremonies)

Marti said...

I think you are the winner. I just asked Hubby if he remembered how long I worked on a cross stitch jacket and he just groaned and said "Forever". I don't think it was ten years but by the time I gave it to my mother, that type jacket was out of style. lol

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Lovely post, Kathy. Even a newbie like myself, is starting to have a few things tucked away needing quilting. That seems to happen quite naturally. Too many lovely projects catching my eye I guess.

Anonymous said...

I can beat that for oldest UFO, I finished an embroidery last year which I started around 1974, (when I was about 8 or 9) it had sat in my workbox all that took me two evenings to finish it :-)

Shelina said...

I have been slow stitching while watching the Olympics too. Have to look up while the event is actually happening though. I put in a good showing to compete with you, but alas, my project is only from 2009. Maybe next time.

Robin said...

I think I could compete with you on slowest progress but since the quilt I started in 1982 got finished in 2012, I'm no longer a contender.
I am slowly hand quilting a project right now . . . . very slowly.

Miaismine said...

Ok. I don't feel as bad now. I have what seems like too many UFO's, WIPs, new ideas, old ideas....I sure hope there's fully stocked sewing studios in Heaven - I'll need it! :)

The Cozy Quilter said...

I will be cross stitching tonight while watching mixed doubles curling. Good luck with your Olympic quilting event!

Angie in SoCal said...

Does 30 years hand quilting a queen size quilt count? Finished it last Sept. It was my 2nd quilt project. Now resides on the bed in the master bedroom.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I WIN! I have a hand quilt project, that I haven't touched since 2010? I do have 120 hours of hand quilting in it already, but, it is only 1/4th of the way done, and I got burned out.