Get out your needles and thread, and join hand stitchers around the world who are benefitting from the process of creating something with our own hands.
Here is an interesting quote I came across this week:
“Making is part of being human, yet as a society we are suffering from the effect of increased screen time and the lack of real fulfilment that often accompanies that. Most needlecrafts are fairly accessible and require only basic skills and minimal outlay to achieve very rewarding results. The rhythmic, repetitive moments necessary to knit, sew or crochet are proven to have therapeutic benefits and improve mental health and emotional wellbeing, increasing serotonin production and inducing a natural state of mindfulness.”
Polly Leonard, founder of Selvedge magazine quoted in an article called "A stitch in time saves stress down the line".
It was encouraging to read that more people are recognizing the benefits of hand stitching, and that the interest in needlecrafts is growing in some parts of the world.
I am now stitching the very last embroidery block for my Life is Beautiful quilt. Yes, I have been dragging my feet (or hands!) on finishing this. It has been such a fun project and I'm sad that this part is almost over. I always save the words for last since this is the most fun for me to stitch.
Do you save the best to last?
Best Dad Ever! |
Happy Father's Day to my Dad!
It's hard to find a photo of him without a grandchild snuggled up to him, but I did find one and here it is. Notice the pen in his pocket just in case he has to write something down?!? LOL
I sure won the Dad lottery!
What are you hand stitching this week? Link up your blog post below and share your project with us... we love to see what you're stitching!
Wow...the last one? It doesn't seem that long since you started your Life is Beautiful blocks. I will be spending time with my dad today. My husband's father always carried a pen in his pocket too. He passed away a few years ago. My husband has his pen now.
When I applique I save the flowers for last, yep :)
I agree with Polly and have experienced the benefits of hand stitching first hand!
Isn't it all the best? There is no last!
What a great statement that is! I know a few of my girl scout Mom's have mentioned things about sewing and I floated one idea to a Mom yesterday about the girls making pillow cases this coming year with the sewing machine. She was all for it - so there will be 10 girls playing with sewing machine with parental help at one of our troop meetings this year. Ages 6-9 - should be interesting! I might look at how to crochet without a hook and maybe teach that one at some point too!
Love the quote I am a long time believer in stitching as therapy, it's the one activity I do that brings me such calm it's almost zenlike. I like to save my favorite parts for last as well. And it's nice to know I'm not the only one that drags her feet when coming to the end of a project especially one I really love. I look forward to seeing Life is Beautiful all put together.
I have always known the power of handwork to calm and heal. When I was dealing with a bad neurological reaction to medicine several years ago, I turned to crochet and it greatly helped and calmed me. I too drag my feet when a project is coming to an end and I often leave the best to last to make the end more enjoyable. Life is Beautiful is looking great.
Your Life is beautiful project is going to look amazing. Nice quote to!
Love the quote, and it is so true! I've been traveling and, although it has been great fun, I've missed a hand stitching project (forgot to pack it).
My husband is never without a pen in his pocket. Ha, ha!
Great photo of your dad. I so need to hand stitch sometimes. I have done some kind of hand work since my Grandmother taught me to knit as a kid.
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