I wanted to try something new to celebrate May For Me.
I have been reading Dan Siegel's research on the importance of creating new neuropathways, having a healthy balanced life, and trying new things.
So I made a batch of Dandelion Jelly!
Who ever heard of that?!? Somehow in blogland I came across the recipe (click here) and decided I was going to try it.
Dandelions are very plentiful around here in May and I think they look so pretty making your green lawn sparkle with some yellow flowers. But everyone hates them because they will take over your entire lawn if you let them get out of control.
So I picked a bowl of dandelions at my house and in my parent's backyard to try this jelly recipe. Believe me, I took a lot of teasing from certain people for doing this! But for some unknown reason, it seemed like something interesting and quirky to try... so I did!
I did not use scissors as recommended to clip the flower heads, but did put on disposable gloves because these dandelions make a big yellow mess!
I tried to remove as much of the green leaves and stems as possible by hand.
I love the Bernardin dissolvable labels. See the leftover label from last year that I just couldn't scrape off? That doesn't happen with these labels - they wash right away.
And here are the finished jars of Dandelion Jelly.
Aren't they so pretty sitting on the window ledge?
However, I must say that I like the appearance of the jelly more than the taste! It's not that I dislike it, but I don't like it nearly as well as blueberry or strawberry jam. Also, it was a lot of time and effort for 5 jars of jelly!
So I think that's a "once in a lifetime" event for me... I can cross it off the bucket list now and look for something new and unique to try next! LOL

What interesting things are you planning to do to treat yourself during May For Me? You can check out more postings over at Marcia's.