My LSH (long suffering husband) gently suggested that maybe I'd like to go to the quilting studio and relax! Translation = please go somewhere else and leave us in peace! Good idea! As soon as I started cutting and sewing my fabrics, I immediately felt better. I imagine that this is the same feeling as alcoholics have when taking their first drinks - ahhhh, much better. I have

I spent a couple of hours cutting strips for my 365 quilt and updated my entries. On the right are my entries for last half of June lined up and ready to sew together. I am now completely up to date and have finished 2 months of this quilt project. I am proud of myself for keeping up with my goal and not falling behind or giving up on it.
And I feel MUCH better after my quilting fix and can continue happily with my life. I am working a lot of on call shifts (48 hours) this week since we are short staffed due to prime vacation time. I don't mind, since others will be doing the same thing next week to cover for me. And what will I be doing? Yet another camping trip. These trips are wonderful to plan and anticipate in the dead of winter, but when it comes time to shop, do the laundry, organize gear, pack up, etc - I wish I would give myself more time to prepare (and to quilt) in between! I am planning to take some hand piecing and embroidery stitching along on this next trip and hope that will help me get through the week!! Wish me luck!

I know the feeling ! When you need to sew you REALLY need to sew ! I do think it is an addiction not just a hobby - lol !
oh can I ever relate to this one! I love camping too, but all the prepping and post camping cleaning and sorting and putting away and then dealing with what happened or didn't happen at home while you were gone........ sometimes I'm not sure it's worth it, but of course it is.
I'm the same way. There are times when I have to fondle fabric, or do some embroidery, just to keep sane.
Good job on your 365 Challenge quilt.
Since your addiction is not illegal, immoral nor fattening, I say just go with it.
I'm anxious to see your 365 challenge quilt - good job on keeping it current and your handwriting is beautiful.
Molly is such a sweety.
I can feel for your every word...I too have the addiction. If I don't have time for sewing I feel really unhappy. We need to make time for the things we enjoy and quilting is one of them, just like that morning coffee.
It is absolutely like needing air, water or food - time spent with the fabrics, threads and needle. I become well out of sorts if it has been a week or more since I have been able to work in my studio.
Addiction? perhaps
Necessary for our sanity and clarity of mind? ABSOLUTELY
I think that touching fabrics is like touching earth. It keeps you grounded and real. Or it keeps me that way.
Touch, caress, drape, smell, ahhhhh...
Oh my goodness you have been reading my mind. I understand exactly what you are saying. It's definitely an addiction and I'm not apologizing for it. LOL
Have a great vacation!
Good Day from Northern, NY. Yes I can relate to the SYNDROME. I'am new to this blogg, not farmiliar with how it works. Do we need to do a profile or anything. When I know we are about to embark on a camping trip I try to have several quilts bound so then I can sit and hand sew them on, and watch the St. Lawrence flow by. I never cut out another project until the one i have just finished goes off to the quilters. It works out pretty good for me. I have been quilting for five years and now retired from healthcare. I have managed to complete close to 400 quilts . My hubby keeps saying how do you sew thoese little squares. HAHA, Just trying to make me feel good. I'll take it. Looking forward to visiting this site again, Betty The Bobbin Winder
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