Welcome to the weekly celebration of hand stitching! Why not join us as we make time to enjoy the benefits of relaxation with our favourite projects?Recently I have been obsessed with the Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery year long SAL called Arctic Animals. I am stitching this on the recommended 28 count Cashel linen called "Nocturne" by Picture This Plus. I was happily stitching the top of the design and working along the top on the Aurora Borealis, but made a mistake which resulted in part of the design being a half stitch off! Can you see where the circle is showing my mistake?
So I abandoned the top (while I think of a solution) and went to the bottom of the design to start a new animal pattern released this week - a Narwhal! 💖
I became obsessed - started stitching him on Friday and finished on Saturday! I have 3 more animals to stitch on this - an arctic hare, a polar bear and a harp seal. Does this happen to you? You become so engrossed in a project that you forget all the other things you wanted to do and can only think of finishing some stitching? I wish I would become obsessed with finishing some things, but that doesn't seem to happen! LOL
It has been too cold and snowy here to do anything but stitching! This is a picture of my car before heading to work one morning this week. First you have to start the car and get it warmed up, then you have to clean the snow off the car, and then you hope the snow plow hasn't come by in the night and dumped all the snow from the road into your driveway!! If that happened, you have to shovel the end of the driveway to get onto the street. And by then if you're not too tired, you go to work!
What are you stitching this week? Are you obsessed with a project that you are really enjoying? Link up your blog post below and share your hand stitching with us!