Hand stitching is helping all of us to get through the global pandemic... stitch by stitch we work our way through another day, another week, another month. I hope you and your family are staying well and have decreasing number of COVID cases where you live. In Ontario Canada our "emergency orders" have been extended to July 15th but we have the lowest number of new cases (160) reported on Friday since this began in March, so maybe we are close to being free of COVID19... won't that be great?!?
I enjoy learning about people who are discovering hand work while staying safe at home. I enjoyed reading this story about Ariel Bade-Shamai who started hand weaving with materials she had in her home as a way to cope with long days at home during COVID19. You can see her collection here.
What are you hand stitching today? We love to see your projects and hear how you are stitching your way through COVID times, so link up your blog post below and share with us.
Yay, for uneven quilting stitches. Your pink pig, mini quilt is such fun and makes me smile. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Ariel weaving through COVID times and looking at her work and reading the stories that inspired each piece. I have a feeling there are a lot of people all over the world that have gained a new love for hand stitching of late. Enjoy your quilting.
How sweet your pink pig is! We are fortunate to be able to sit at home with such a wonderful hobby. In Norway, there is little Covid 19 now, but we still have some rules about distance to each other and of course have good hand hygiene.
Enjoy your quilting! Even though covid numbers remain low throughout the rest of Indiana, our county's levels are rising dramatically through the 20 - 35 age range. Our county is now the 3rd in the state with positive cases. We're still staying home and staying safe and I keep on sewing!
Your little pink piggy looks very cute! I feel very grateful that I've had sewing to keep me sane throughout these troubled times. The UK is lifting some of it's lockdown restrictions but last week the news reported that half a million people flocked to Bournemouth beach (only about 10 miles from me) They must be mad that's all I can say! Stay safe!
I love seeing your hand quilting stitches, pink is perfect for this perfectly pink pig quilt!
we continue to stay home - Arkansas is one of the states with numbers rising some is from young people but not all - our county had been doing so well and now it rises almost every day with people out all over with no mask.
Love your pink pig!
The pig quilt is so cute. I have been stitching a bit more during the pandemic. We are having increases in our case numbers here - we just hit over 200 active cases - but our hospitalizations are still on the low side and there have been no new deaths in our county since April. This was expected since we opened up. I'm just glad we are not still living in Houston - I would be a wreck. As it is, we have decided to hunker down more and hubby is working from home again (which is kinda nice!) Take care!
It will be a wonderful day when we're free from the worry of Covid 19! Until then, I'll join you in slow stitching it all away. Happy Sunday, Kathy!
Gluttony the Pig is coming along nicely. Best of luck on finishing it be your self-imposed deadline, Kathy!
Love seeing the pig quilt~ Our cases are going up again. There are 12 people in the hospital in our county, and 3 in the ICU. 611 laboratory confirmed cases out of 21,533 negative results, 11 deaths. June has been higher cases than March, April and May which was looking to be almost clear. The majority of the cases are in the 18-49 age group, 9 of the deaths in the 65+ age group.
Here on Long Island in New York, we are in Phase 3 of our opening. We are still mostly staying home though as we do not feel that it is all that safe yet. We will see what happens in the next two weeks as businesses open up and people start moving around. I don't mind staying home and staying safe. I have plenty of crafts and books to keep me engaged. That pink pig quilt is looking adorable.
Hi Kathy,
Love your pigs...and the pink quilting thread..have a great day!
What pretty pink fabrics, Kathy. I always enjoy seeing what you are working on.
Yes, here outside Ottawa, our numbers have always been low. But we are still in isolation as both of us are in the at danger group...old, LOL. However, we now go to the grocery store, masked of course. Fingers crossed we are getting there here in Ontario.
Pink stitches on pink pigs is just so cute. A little hand stitching does sound good for the soul right now. Hopefully it will keep us occupied while we wait for things to settle down a bit. Glad that cases are coming down where you are. Keep up the good work!
I was a little late posting today but have something to show you!! IT'S DONE!!!
Hi Kathy, I hope you're enjoying quilting in pink! Your little pig mini is so cute. Looking forward to seeing it finished. I read your original post, so now I know why they talk about eating (and hoarding) like a pig! Take care.
Your mini pig quilt is so sweet, and I love it. We're lucky to have this hobby these days.
Cute piggy. I can't 'rock the needle' when I hand quilt. I have to 'stab stitch' instead. I have tendinitis in my wrist, and rocking the needle makes it hurt really badly. I'm glad I learned the other way when I learned how to quilt.
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