Saturday, August 11, 2018

Scrappy Saturday

Orange is the colour of the month for August. It seems to be a controversial colour and quilters either love it or hate it.
I am in the "love it" camp and find that it really brightens up any quilt it is a part of. Most of my ongoing RSC projects already have plenty of orange in them, but I'll be adding in more this month.
disorganized scraps

I tackled this pile of scraps from my friend Debby. She gave them to me for dog bed stuffing, but these pieces were way too big for that!

The first step is to organize the scraps into colour families and either cut them immediately for specific projects, or put them in the appropriate scrap bins (by colour).

I started with the maverick stars project and chose these scraps to make 5 more blocks. This is all organized and ready to feed through the machine. There were a few orange scraps to work with.

Here are 4 finished star blocks. The centres of the stars are either 2.5" squares (the two blocks on the right) or scraps pieced together and trimmed to 2.5" (the two blocks on the left).

And here are all the blocks on the design wall.

Over 60  blocks have been made so far. The pattern is here if you want to start your own collection.
Hop over to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge link up to see more scrappy projects being made.


Linda said...

Great scraps. I love your growing collection of star blocks.

Julierose said...

Love those Maverick Stars you are making; you do well with orange, I made my grandson an "orange" quilt and it was hard for me as i am in the opposite camp!! Though I do like orange-sicles a lot, you know, the ones with the creamy centers? Ah food, always food...hugs, Julierose

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I love orange, too. I've found quilters that don't like yellow (sunny to me) or even blue (couldn't make many quilts without blues). I'm not a fan of pink, but, I've used it for many quilts, since other's like it. Pastels are hard for me to work with. I like brighter colors, and gemstone colors.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

you can never go wrong with stars! I love a quilt of stars

scraphappy said...

It is so wonderful to see a pile of scraps someone wanted to get rid of turned into something so pretty. Quilting is the ultimate recycling craft.

Shelina said...

Love your wonderful collection of Maverick Stars. And how wonderful you were able to save and showcase fabric that was destined to be hidden.

Louise said...

Those scraps are way too big for stuffing! I'm so glad you are finding just the right home for each one. Your orange stars look great, especially to me as another member of the "love orange" camp :)

Marly said...

I like that: making something from someone else's "nothing"! Your maverick stars are delightful.

Sheila said...

Awesome! Love those stars!. I have been looking at that Bonnie Hunter pattern. Everyone loves star quilts.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment on my RSC Crayon Quilt post. Love this RSC.

Janet O. said...

What a fun galaxy of stars. I'm liking the way you are alternating light and dark backgrounds.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your Maverick Stars! That's a lot of pretty color you've got there!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on your scrap enhancement!! Your ORANGE Maverick Stars look great. Thanks for sharing the progress of your quilt!

Barb said...

what fun sparkly star blocks. Great job "saving" some of those scraps :)

Kevin the Quilter said...

We tackle scraps in the same manner! I almost pass out anytime I see someone that has scraps destined for a dog bed....and how many usable scraps are in them! One quilter's trash is another quilter's treasure! Awesome stars!

Sue McQ said...

The stars are magic! Thank you for sharing. I have saved the pattern. Blessings.

Kate said...

Star blocks are such fun to make. Yours are very bright and pretty. What a nice way to use up a few scraps.