Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Paris and Bears

That's an unusual subject line, eh?
I am speaking tonight at the quilt guild in Paris at 7 pm at the Paris Fairgrounds. That's the city of Paris in Ontario, not the Paris which is in France! I am looking forward to meeting lots of quilters and seeing what's new in their quilting world. 

In my quilt studio, the bear quilt has been started.
It was hard to narrow down the fabric choices. I think the sashing fabric will be the clincher and I haven't made a final decision on that yet. I see in my mind's eye how my project will be, but I'm not 100% sure yet if it will turn out as I am hoping. Brown is a hard colour for me to work with. My browns all seemed to be too dark, which might be a good thing since I want to make a black bear. I'm just not sure if the contrast will be enough.
But I started anyway. If we wait to start until we are certain of the outcome, nothing would ever be started!
I'll be making these blocks for a while down, 96 to go!
Linking up to "Let's Bee Social"


SandraC said...

Bear paw is one ofy favourite blocks. How big are the blocks?

Lisa J. said...

You are farther ahead than me Kathy. All I've done is pick the fabric.

Lyndsey said...

You are further forward than me. I have picked the brown but not the background fabric. I'll hopefully have it sorted by the weekend.

Amy said...

I couldn't resist Lorna's QAL either. I've got 5 blocks sewn, 7 cut and fabrics picked for the remainder of the paws. Autumn colors, with brown sashing and, like you, a black bear. It's been elevated to my current leader/ender project... but those bear paw blocks are so much fun to make!

Karen in Breezy Point said...

I was soooo tempted to do the bear quilt--bear paw blocks are one of my favorites. I had to back away though--too many irons in the fire--lol! I look forward to seeing yours grow.

Needled Mom said...

I can't wait to see it come together. 96 to go??? Have fun.

Shelina said...

Beautiful blocks - great brown color. I have picked the background fabric and one more (not sure if it will be the bear or the paws - or if it is enough for both).

Lorna McMahon said...

Hope you had a wonderful time in Paris! Your bear paw block looks beautiful in that dark brown and I can't wait to see what you decide for the sashing. I agree, for my current bear quilt, the sashing was the most difficult thing to choose!

Raewyn said...

Great start! I'm part way through picking my BP fabrics...not sure whether to just start and hope the rest of them will fall in to place or not!!