Today is the release of the 5th block for the Cozy Afternoon quilt. It has another adorable embroidery block that you can chose to make for the centre. If you are not into embroidery, you can make a pieced block instead. Hop over to Jacquelynne's to see more ideas and to sign up for the free patterns if you haven't already.
The instructions are excellent, but due to "user error", I did have a bit of an issue in finishing my block.

Oh well, I easily redid that corner piece and cut it correctly, and here's my finished block.
If you have been sewing along with this project, you will be happy to learn that you can purchase adorable note cards and labels with the Cozy Afternoon theme - click here to see them.
And as always, Jacquelynne is giving away a pattern to one of my blog readers. This is the giveaway pattern. Just leave a comment below and tell me if you've ever tried punchneedle before? I have the tools and the interest but haven't tried it yet.
The draw will be closed next Sunday and the winner announced on Monday.
Good luck!
I had my first cup of tea of the season on the weekend...I was cold and the tea hit the spot! I love your little tea cup block.
I've never tried punchneedle, but this past week I've signed up for a class at my local quilt shop in Waterford!
I've never tried punchneedle, but this past week I've signed up for a class at my local quilt shop in Waterford!
I have done needle punch before and really enjoyed it. Once I had someone show me how to use the tool, it was easy to remember. I made a few pieces and then put it aside for other things. But I do want to get back to it again.
Cute teacup! I am not making the quilt but I did one of the embroideries for my whimsy quilt....I think this will be another one : )
Hi, Kathy. I have tried punch needle but that is where it ended - tried!
Your do-over worked out beautifully. Cute block.
Not entering the giveaway, but will say that I tried needle punch decades ago and was not thrilled with the results. I'm sure tools are better now than what I had, and I love the look of the finished projects I see other people make, but have decided that the last thing I need is another hobby! : )
I, too, have the equipment but haven't tried punch needle. It looks easy enough but sometimes my quilting projects get so far behind I just don't want to try something new. Maybe this winter. I'm sure to get "snowed in" a few days and need a break from sewing.
Punch needle is something I haven't tried...but I have so many other things I would like to no new things!! See I can say NO!!!!
I have not tried punch needle. I'm to far behind in my projects at the moment to start something new. Love the tea cup!
That looks so cute and I love the fabrics you put with it.
What a cute stitchery and pattern.
No, I have never done punchneedle before.
That is so cute, Kathy! I have the tools for punchneedle and a couple of patterns, but haven't done anything with them.
You do such lovely embroidery Kathy! I love the sweet gentleness of your block :*)
I have the tools etc for yrs but haven't used them!
Tried punch needle many years ago; put it away, and haven't tried again. This cute design inspires me to give it another try!
What soft colors used so effectively.
Nice looking block, and it's inspiring me to start a embroidery /quilt project. Many, many years ago I tried needle punch but gave up on it.
'User error' - Lol! I have a lot of that.
Great looking block. I do have quite a lot of user errors usually because I'm trying to rush. I haven't tried needle punch yet but maybe in the future I will.
No, I've never tried punch needlebefore. Love the soft colors in your block!
I have started a punch needle project but it's not completed. I love the look and hope to get back to it someday.
I think I bought a punch needle, but have never tried it. I'm not even sure where it is right now!!!
That is a sweet block. I love combining embroidery and quilting.
So many fancy ways to create these blocks. And stitching these up in embroidery, will certainly bring about a pretty result. Love yours. And thanks for sharing this lovely giveaway opportunity.
No, have not tried punch needle, but I do like the way it looks. So many ideas, so little time!
Thanks for sharing your block.
yes, I have tried Punchneedle. I used to teach it at my LQS before she closed. It is very fun and relaxing , and I love the way they turn out! You should give it a try !!!
No I haven't, but I would be willing to try. Have a great day! dawnm1993(at)gmail(dot)com
Love the needlepunch pattern.
I have not tried punch needle. Have everything I need....just haven't gotten to it. Looks like fun though!
You did a pretty embroidery, so cute. And about your question: No I have never tried punchneedle.
I have never done punch needle pretty...but don't think I would really do. :) Your Embroidered Block is great! Good job on the "Do over!" Love it!
Thanks for chance to win your Give-a-way too! :)
block looks good, downloaded the pdf last night and plan to embroider the block today, cannot make it up yet though due to knee problems machine out of bounds for now
I have not tried punch needle yet, but it looks like fun!
Love your soft colours - never tried needle punch!
I have never tried punch needle, but would love to. Another way to be creative! I love your teacup block.
I haven't tried Needle Punch yet but I have the tools to do it with! I can't believe that we are almost at the end of this fun BOM!! I would love to win Jacqueylnne's patterns...I have been enjoying making this BOM!! Thank you sew sew much!!
This is such a cute BOM. I love teacups.
Arg! What a frustrating mistake - I can totally relate. :) It's going to be so fun seeing everyone put these sets together.
I haven't tried it -- I'd be interested in seeing how it's done! Thank you for showing all of us your fridge! I liked looking inside too. :) Good luck on the UFOs. :)
I love your fabric choices. Thank you for showing us your mistake. The mistakes of others always make me feel better about mine!
So pretty! I'm glad you persevered to make your beautiful block. It's nice to see that others make mistakes too. Thanks for sharing!
I've never tried punchneedle but can't wait to see your first project! I especially love your quote for 2015!
I've done several punch needle projects. It is easy and fast!
I am really liking your embroidered blocks and may have to eventually make a second quilt with embroidery. I have done punch needle and find that I like it.
Very cute block! I have tried punch needle a long time ago. It's not as easy as I thought it would be.
Love your block! I was laughing at one of your other posts....projects in a fridge, and overcommitment. LOL I may not keep my UFOs in a fridge, but I am SO with you about not being able to say no to a project!
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