We are back from yet another wonderful camping trip. We had a beautiful beach front site at
Killbear Provincial Park. We didn't see any bears or snakes (for which the park is famous) and I was happy about that! Here is the view from our tent. The weather was perfect, sunny and warm, with some rain only one night. The kids enjoyed jumping off of cliffs into the water, kneeboarding and tubing on the lake, s

wimming and hiking. I enjoyed reading (reread
"Gifts from the sea" as I like to do in the summer), relaxing, doing Sudoku (one of my favorite time wasters) and stitching. Here is my finished "Journey of a Quilter" block #2. It was pure delight to stitch the "Give Thanks" block while enjoying this amazing view!
Today I am back to my reality - piles of laundry, over 150 emails to read (sadly most of them are things I need to do and not fun, quilty-related emails), getting used to my new glasses again (I gave myself a vacation from my new glasses!) and back to work. I also have to get samples and supply lists to the stores and guilds where I am teaching in the fall. And my mind is mush from being on vacation. I can't seem to get going fast enough and am feeling very "turtle like" this morning!
You quilter's journey is looking good! I can't wait to start mine! I do need to brind down the nunber of hand applique projects before though! Keep well!
Great pics! Thanks for sharing the stitchery.
Take it easy Kathy - your mind and body are still in holiday mode ! I hate getting back to reality after a break. Your block looks fantastic. Bet you can't wait for the next one !
Your journey of a quilter blocks are beautiful! I am enjoying looking at the different interpretations of this quilt. Thank you for reminding me of Anne Morrow Lindbergh's book - I have been meaning to purchase it for some time now - I'm going to do so right away! I have always wanted to read it.
Have a wonderful day!
I'm not sure I would have camped in a place where snakes and bears are common, but I'm glad you had a great time! VBG
Getting away is always fun, even if it means extra duty when we get back home. Your projects look so good.
What a beautiful place to spend a vacation.
I can relate to vacation mind mush. We returned early (2 AM) Wednesday morning and today is the first day I feel normal.
I hope you get over the mind mush soon.
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