Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Mini Challenge Started

Recently Janet (Rogue Quilter) issued a challenge to the "monthly Mini-acs" group at Wendy's (The Constant Quilter) to create a mini from one of our scrap bags. I have a lot of little scrap bags around here and am blessed to have quilty friends who share their scrap wealth with me.

These treasures are from a baggie that my friend Jackie shared with me. I dumped the bag out on the table and started sorting through the pieces. You can see some ideas emerging in the bottom left.

There was only 1 teal fabric in the bag and it did not appeal to me! To me it looked like hanging melons! So it got voted off the island and I started making some neutral and brown blocks.

This is the block idea that I came up with. A handful of sweetness made with the above scraps.
I started with a 4 patch and added to the sides. I stopped here because us miniaturists prefer small blocks! LOL

Here are the first 4 blocks. 

Love the total scrappiness of all the neutrals!

It's going to need a touch of colour added and for Janet's challenge we are allowed to add one neutral and one colour. 

What colour would you bring into this project?


Gretchen Weaver said...

The little blocks look very lovely. I would add a touch of red or orange. Happy stitching!

The Cozy Quilter said...

So tiny! A brighter teal or a double pink would look good with those cute little blocks!

Bridget said...

I am with Gretchen, a bit of Red would be lovely, so fun!

Julie in GA said...

I love your little blocks! I like the idea of adding deep pink.

Denise :) said...

How fun! I love your blocks ... great job! :)

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Oh my! You and Janet just floor me! I struggle so with tiny pieces. These are sensational! Superb!

cityquilter grace said...

a nice repro purple...

Margaret said...

How about a deep red? LOVE those tiny blocks!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

A handful of sweetness indeed. What stinking cute blocks and a great use of scraps and a wonderful reminder of your dear quilting friend who sent you a scrap bag of loveliness. Happy quilting, Kathy.

Janet O. said...

Ohh, what wonderful blocks you have made, Kathy! I am so excited about what you have created.
I agree with everyone about the added color. Any one of them would work. Helpful, aren't I?
I lean toward the purple, red, or orange--but teal or double pink would be nice, too. ;)

JanetG said...

Definitely red

The Joyful Quilter said...

Thanks for the reminder, Kathy! I intend to make a mini for Janet's challenge. You are off to a great start!!

Mary said...

Sew cute!! Gotta dig into my Scrapbag.

Jackie J said...

Looking good! The red make a nice addition.

Kyle said...

Love where this is heading. I'm working on one too.

loulee said...

What delightfully cute blocks.
I have bags and boxes to tiny scraps that I use here and there.

Chantal said...

I believe your block is calling my name. So tempting! Such a beautiful squirrel! I would add some blue. I love blue and brown together. But not any blue, it would have to be Prussian blue. But that's just me. Enjoy! ;^)

Shelina said...

These are really pretty! I think some maroon or rust would add a subtle hint of color.

Sandy said...

Audition audition audition, my dear. You’ll know the right color/fabric when you see it. I love those little blocks!

Ruth L. said...

To this lover of neutral fabrics the answer is clear: the rejected teal fabric should be used as the "color". Red would jump out. That pale teal would be a subtle reinforcement.

Danice G said...

Your little blocks are really nice. I admire those of you who sew little blocks. Pretty fabrics, too.

Nancy said...

Those are delightful blocks. I'm looking forward to seeing your choice of color and the layout you choose. What size did you cut the center squares? Does the unfinished block measure, maybe, 3½"? Very tiny!