Welcome to the weekly celebration of hand stitching! Why not join us as we make time to enjoy the benefits of relaxation with our favourite projects?
Recently I have been obsessed with the Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery year long SAL called Arctic Animals. I am stitching this on the recommended 28 count Cashel linen called "Nocturne" by Picture This Plus. I was happily stitching the top of the design and working along the top on the Aurora Borealis, but made a mistake which resulted in part of the design being a half stitch off! Can you see where the circle is showing my mistake?
So I abandoned the top (while I think of a solution) and went to the bottom of the design to start a new animal pattern released this week - a Narwhal! 💖
I became obsessed - started stitching him on Friday and finished on Saturday! I have 3 more animals to stitch on this - an arctic hare, a polar bear and a harp seal.
Does this happen to you? You become so engrossed in a project that you forget all the other things you wanted to do and can only think of finishing some stitching? I wish I would become obsessed with finishing some things, but that doesn't seem to happen! LOL
What are you stitching this week? Are you obsessed with a project that you are really enjoying? Link up your blog post below and share your hand stitching with us!