
Monday, June 22, 2020

Design Wall Monday

This little project started in March when I sewed a pig block for National Pig Day. It inspired me to make a Pandemic theme quilt and I wanted the words "take what you need" to go around the pig. 

I enjoy making letters using the Tonya Ricucci style of letters from Word Play Quilts. I started with 1" strips and sewed and trimmed until I got letters of similar sizes. In this project the letters are about 2.5" finished.

So here is my question... which layout is better... should the words read in a clockwise circle around the centre pig block as in layout #1 or in a counterclockwise direction as in layout #2?

Layout #1 (clockwise)

Layout #2 (counterclockwise)

Please vote in the comments below and tell me which layout you prefer. The letter 'W' is a little unique looking, but I like it so I might just trim the top a bit and start sewing it together in which ever layout is preferred. Thanks for you help!
Linking up to Small Quilts


  1. Think that I like the second one the best and this Pig is so cute. Either would work... nice job!


  2. I like the second one Kathy.


  3. Chiming in, the second one is easier to read.

  4. I am with those who favour the second layout! The message is more quickly realized.

  5. Counterclockwise. But then, I've always been a rebel ;-)

  6. My eyes like #1 they follow the words around the piggie!! he cute too!!

  7. Absolutely perfect! We should have one of these hanging in the entrance to every grocery store!

  8. Oh, and I like the second layout.

  9. I like the second one. But I would even change the words need and you. So that 'you' is on the side and 'need' is at the bottom. Am I making sense?

  10. #2 gets my vote. That or how about (hope this works)
    Upper left cornor
    take what
    (insert pig)
    you need.

  11. I agree with Rebecca's suggestion -- makes it easier to parse.

  12. Oh Pigs!!! National Pig day!! I LOVE it!!

  13. I like # 2. We usually read left to right. I love your stars !

  14. Kathy, I like number 2 also. That is how we read 😊
    Love the Piggy!
    Jody, in Oregon

  15. Cute! I had no idea there was a national day for pigs. I like the counter-clockwise setting. Have fun!

  16. My eyes like the 2nd version, too. This is such a funny piece;)))
    nice work -- hugs from home base in AC today Julierose

  17. Love the pig. Very well done for the letters too. Unfortunately, I'll throw a wrench in there. When writing in a circle, to make it easier for people to read it, the bottom of the letters should touch or point to the center of the circle. Therefore, T from Take should be at the bottom left and round you go. But that rule is for logo making. It may not apply to quilt making.

  18. #2. That pig is so cute! Hugs,

  19. I like number 2 but Rebecca also has a goo idea. Cute pig!

  20. I like layout number 2! Looking good!!!

  21. Definitely version two, so much easier to read the words around your cute little piggy.

  22. I think the second one as well. we are used to reading left to right, top down......

  23. The second one seems to be a more logical sequence to me. I'm wondering where this will hang?

  24. cute design, I like the second one better, it is easier to read.

  25. This is so cute. It should hang above your toilet paper. :)

  26. I can read the 2nd one easier.

  27. I know I'm probably too late, but we are trained to read clockwise, so I choose the first layout.
