
Sunday, June 21, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching Father's Day

Happy Summer Solstice and Slow Stitching Sunday! 
That is a lot of 'S' words to say in one sentence! And it's Father's Day here in Canada and I am thankful to be able to spend time with my Dad. We are so delighted that summer weather has arrived and we can enjoy some backyard visits. I'm fairly certain my Dad would not survive COVID and have felt desperate to protect my parents from this terrible virus.

Here is my Dad measuring how far I have to be away from him to keep him safe. It has been a challenging time for people who want to hug and reassure our loved ones.  We must constantly remind ourselves to stay 6 feet apart. So far, so good, even though we feel worn down from months in social isolation. We constantly joke about the switch from my teenager years when Dad was forbidding me to do fun but dangerous things, to present day COVID times where I am forbidding him to do fun but dangerous things! The forbidden activities are definitely much different now and include everything outside his house LOL!

Zoom has been a godsend and helps us to stay connected to family across the Canada/US border, which COVID prevents us from crossing. Who knew the Christmas visit would be the last time we could see family for a long time. 2020 will be the first year with no family camping trips, celebrations, or visits of any kind!

And so we keep on stitching, to keep ourselves stitched together through the stress. This past week I finished hand stitching the binding on a donation quilt and enjoyed every single stitch while sitting in my backyard. Today I will be back to hand embroidery and working on this tea towel pattern from Colonial Patterns

If you missing family today or are prevented from visiting or hugging your Dad due to COVID restrictions, I am sending you lots of virtual hugs and hope you will enjoy the hand stitching link up today. Stitch on!

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  1. How lovely you are able to visit with your dad to celebrate Father's Day. The internet has been a godsend during the pandemic in keeping in touch with family and friends, hasn't it. I hope you enjoy your stitching in that warm weather of yours.

  2. How nice to catch up with your Dad at this special time.
    And many thanks for hosting your LInky Party, I really enjoy it each week, sometimes I have something to share or just enjoy reading what everyone else is hand stitching, or knitting.

  3. Happy Father's Day! Here in France it's today too, and I had my dad on phone. Not fun to not be able to visit and hug, but as you said, safety first. Happy Sunday, happy Father's Day, and Happy Summer day ;)

  4. It’s wise to stay a safe distance even from one’s own older family members. How nice he can visit online with those that do not live nearby.

  5. so glad you get to see your father - I lost mine a long time ago now 26 years ago! Melanie will be over later today for a visit on the porch to see her dad for father's day - glad we have a long big porch.

  6. I haven't seen my sons or my mom in person since Christmas either and I miss them! Thank goodness for all the technology we're all taking advantage of these days. Glad you can have a backyard outdoor visit today, Kathy! Enjoy your Sunday!

  7. yay for being safe! Sorry we have to do this, but it's nice to see each other and loved ones outside.
    Keep Stitching.

  8. So glad that you got to visit with your Dad. This social distancing has been difficult but necessary. My son finally ventured a visit with us this week. My daughter (should her COVID test come back negative) is coming next week. We haven't seen them since February. Stay safe and enjoy stitching.

  9. I'm back to doing a new tea towel too. Unfortunately we have no fathers to celebrate with even with social distancing, although my daughters and grandchildren are coming this afternoon to celebrate with their dad. So that is something we are looking forward to!

  10. Hi Kathy...glad to see your father is doing well. Tomorrow I have a 30 minute appointment to visit my husband in long term care...I have not seen him in person since March. I had to have a negative covid test to be able to do this. We cannot hug or kiss and must remain six feet apart. This will be difficult as he isn't really verbally. Jual

  11. I understand, trying to keep my 100-year-old MIL safe too. She is unhappy having to stay at home, and her memory is a constant challenge as she complains about not being able to see her friends, get her nails done or her hair permed, or go out to eat. My father and my FIL have both passed away, so this day is somewhat sad for me.

  12. It really is so hard to stay away from family and friends. I agree with you that zoom has been so wonderful. We have weekly gatherings with family near and far. I have my friend groups and still get together with my embroidery guild and two knitting groups. While I miss being able to touch all the good yard and look closely and the projects, it's great to "see" everyone anyway. Keep safe and healthy!

  13. We made a spontaneous plane trip to California in January to visit my family, a move that now looks really prescient! I'm glad to hear your Dad is cooperative in keeping himself safe. All our parents are, too, which is a real relief :)

  14. Glad you could touch base with your dad for Father's Day. Enjoy your day.
