
Friday, May 27, 2022

Not a finish to be seen!

There hasn't been a finished quilt in this messy quilt studio since March! I did recently finish TWO rainbow scrap quilt tops though - Bitcoin and Easy Breezy and that was a huge accompishment.

Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately?!?) I have succumbed to a case of Startitis! I usually get a bad case of it and start many projects in January, but I am now exhibiting increased symptoms of severe Startitis. 

Instead of finishing projects, I find myself gathering fabrics for the Edyta Sitar summer mystery that starts in June. I really enjoyed last year's summer mystery which was like a big jigsaw puzzle with traditionally pieced blocks. 

And is that mystery a finished quilt you ask? 

NO! It's in the UFO waiting closet. It's simmering in creative juices, waiting for the perfect time to be quilted.

If you might feel a case of Startitis coming on and need to start something new, why not join in on the summer mystery quilt June?

And if you aren't a mystery quilt fan, you can join in on Pretti and Bernie's second annual positivity quiltalong.

So many fun projects to enjoy!


  1. Startitis is very contagious, I think we all get it at some time!

  2. LOL, I love the word, "startitis"! I think we are all in that boat at one time or another. No racing, just keep starting and a finish will come when it comes!

  3. might not have had a lot of finishes but you have a lot going!

  4. Startitis must be running around because I had a bad case of it last week. Love Edyta's mystery last year but I'm so not a mystery quilt kind of girl. I need to know what I'm working on before hands. I will cheer you on though. Maybe finished quilts will be trendy again someday. ;^)

  5. Start-i-tus is more contagious than covid. You get it from Blogs and Instagram, lol. Don't even have to go out, no shot to 'cure' it. I don't want a CURE. Pretty flimsies in your closet.

  6. Oh, I have a closet that looks like that!!
    Of course you are starting another mystery. Why not? LOL

  7. I too started a new quilt, scrappy with tiny pieces! A couple friends are joining along with me but they are making theirs with bigger pieces. I should be finishing a top I started at guild or basting that wedding ring quilt to machine quilt! Ahhh but the garden and yard work are calling!

  8. Well Kathy, it took me a year to catch up with tops that UFOs. But now I refuse to start too many more. One pieced quilt at a time. MY PROBLEM - is that I need to fire up the long arm and quilt some tops. I am now getting applique projects ready so I can work on them at night. But after spending 3 days getting them ready for selecting the fabrics and getting the pieces ready to applique - I tend to have STOPITIS! Hang in there, you will be glad to start on the UFOs soon. You always do finish them eventually and enjoy starting the new ones! Hugs
