
Saturday, September 18, 2021

Scrappy Saturday

This week flew by and the only sewing I did was focused on the orange bitcoin ladders. I had a lot of fun digging through the scraps, cutting and sewing strips and rectangles, and creating ladders. I have enough for the columns needed for orange, but I'm not going to assemble them until I have the green and yellow ladders done. They will join the blue, purple, aqua ladders that are already assembled for the left part of the quilt. Getting the seams lined up in the right direction is crucial to this pattern, so I'll wait for green and yellow ladders to be completed, and then join the orange.

Today I'll be sewing some orange mini arrowhead blocks and joining a Saturday guild sewin via zoom. Linking up to the RSC party at Angela's


  1. There is so many seams to match in that quilt. Well done for tackling it.

  2. Looking good! You are doing great with orange.

  3. Those are so fun in orange! I like your alternating darks and lights.

  4. I almost bought Bitcoin when Bonnie first posted the pattern. It is really cool. Has it been a difficult pattern to sew? to pick fabrics? to line everything up? Your Bitcoin posts have been so pretty and inviting!
