
Monday, April 29, 2019

Design Wall Disappointment

On World Wide Quilting Day I started a new project made entirely from the Tula Pink fabric line called Zuma. It's probably one of the busiest quilts I've worked on in a long time, and I really like the energy it has. 
I was so excited to get the blocks together with the sashing and cornerstones in place. When I put it on the design wall I went from satisfaction to frustration in an instant.
Do you see the problem with the bottom row?
I briefly thought about leaving it like that, but decided I can't. 
I have no idea how that happened, but the seam ripper will be earning it's keep as the most used tool in the quilting room this week!
Linking up to Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts.


  1. How frustrating. But a little time with the seam ripper and you will have thise blocks the right way around before too long.

  2. I love this quilt top... I think it is worth the reworking to fix too.. happy frogging... ya know rip it rip it! lol

  3. Oh, how frustrating! But the quilt will be wonderful when you are done.

  4. It's definitely a beauty! I guess at times like this we have to think "It could be worse". It could be in the middle of the quilt!

  5. Thanks for posting about your frustrations - makes me feel better - lol! But it looks amazing so far.

  6. That is frustrating, but as we both know, with a little rip out here and there, it'll be great at the finish. Persevere!

  7. I would get the seam ripper out too :) it won't take too long and you will be happy you did!

  8. BUMMER BUMMER BUMMER! I feel your pain! It will be worth the time to correct or redo Kathy! Hang in there - Colorful quilt!

  9. This is such a happy and colorful quilt. Love the fabrics and design. Quilting has a way of keeping us humble! Hope your time with the seam ripper wasn't too long.

  10. Just leave it as is and call it "course correction". Looks like arrows pointing in one direction and then changing to another. I think it has great charm--but you have to change it if you can't live with it, for sure. It is a very happy quilt.

  11. I'm with JanetO! I think its a fun switch with one line heading stage right in this dance!

  12. At least you found it before you quilted it!

  13. Oops! Yeah, I've had that happen, when an entire row somehow gets rotated funny and then you blithely keep piecing it together. Rats! But better to see it now than halfway through the quilting!

  14. Thank goodness it is only 4 blocks on that row, and that it is the bottom row, not in the middle.

  15. Such pretty colors in this quilt! So annoying about having to use a seam ripper. Hate it when that happens!:)

  16. You are lucky you found it now. Busy and fun. You should send a picture to Tula Pink.

  17. It took me a while to figure out what the problem was, but luckily you found it now rather than after you'd finished the quilt. It's very bold and bright which I love, love, love.

  18. Is the problem that you sewed the sashing strips to the wrong side on that last row?

  19. An easy fix although some time will be involved..better now than later!!

  20. I feel your frustration! But it can be fixed and you will be much happier when you've done it.

  21. been there --- many times!

  22. Oh that is not too noticeable of a mistake. The quilt is still pretty.

  23. What a pretty, energetic quilt! I understand the frustration though.
