
Friday, February 01, 2019

Superbowl Sunday Mystery & February UFO

Are you planning to sew along with the Superbowl mystery quilt over at Scrapdash? It's called Garden Party and the focus of the mystery is a panel... any panel. We all have panels in our stash that we don't remember buying right? I am starting with an old Sandy Gervais panel called "Pieces of My Heart". It was hard to find colours to go with it because I usually am attracted to bright, colour saturated fabrics, and these are duller country colours.

I had to dig into the "deep stash" and find these pieces to go with the panel. It's kind of a bland looking collection of fabrics, but that's okay... they will just be complimenting the panel which will be the focus of the quilt.
The cutting instructions are posted here.
For the past 5 years I have hosted a Superbowl party with some of my diehard mystery quilting friends. I call it "Super Sewl Sunday". These quilters love a challenge, and this panel mystery certainly will be that! Check back on Monday to hear how the party went and how the quilts turned out!

February is the month of my annual winter quilting retreat so I am very hopeful about finishing a few quilts this month! I am setting 3 goals because I will have a week off work to enjoy lots of sewing time.  
Pumpkin Spice Latte

Here's the list:
1) Get Blockhead I quilt top sewn together.

2) Finish Pumpkin Spice Latte mystery quilt.

Linking up to One Monthly Goal.


  1. Oh how I wish I lived closer!!! Getting ready for retreat is so much fun enjoy your week off!!

  2. I like that pumpkin spice latte block and this is a mystery quilt - all different blocks?

  3. How long has that panel been marinating in your stash? Very curious to see how she builds a quilt around everyone's random sized and designed blocks.
    Oh, I wish I could go on retreat again this month! Enjoy!

  4. I've never heard of a mystery QAL using panels! I'm intrigued :)

  5. I wish I could sew all weekend, but I will be busy with other things. I was happy to be sewing yesterday and will sew again today. Playing the Glad Game in our corner of Washington State. Bring it on February!

  6. That is a lovely little panel and your pulled fabrics look like a good choice. I too am wondering how the mystery quilt will be built around all the various panels. I watch with interest. Enjoy your retreat!

  7. Love the pumpkin spice quilt top. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts and good luck on your project!

  8. I'll be stitching on 3 baby quilts (same pattern) during the Superbowl. I only watch the commercials anyways ;)
