
Saturday, February 02, 2019

Scrappy Saturday

4" log cabin blocks
Happy Groundhog day! Our Ontario groundhog predicted an early spring for us this year and that coincides perfectly with Angela announcing that the February colour for the RSC quilters is yellow. It's time to forget about those minus 30 degree temperatures that hurt your skin when you go outside, and start thinking about sunshine and warmth in the sewing room. Summer will be here before you know it!

I sewed 4 log cabin blocks using up yellow scraps. This project was started from Julie's Log Cabin Loonies quilt along last year. They are so fun to make (directions are here) and use up the smallest 1" scraps. Once I got the blocks sewn together I realized that one of the yellow fabrics really calls attention to itself. I waited a bit to see what I wanted to do about that - leave it or change it? I knew it bugged me enough that I had to take it out.

Here are all the blocks on the design wall. Do you notice in the yellow block that the offending scrap has been removed and replaced with a fabric that fits in much better. I just love these blocks and look forward to sewing more of them in the coming year.
Hop over to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge link up to see what yellow scraps are becoming. If you have scraps that need to be tamed, this is a great way to create unique projects a little bit at a time - join us!


  1. love your log cabin blocks - I didn't have time to start any yellow blocks but will this week, yellow will add some needed brightness to the sewing rooms

  2. Those are great blocks. Isn't it funny how one little piece of fabric screams at us! LOL

  3. your groundhog already spoke up? Well, who are we to argue with a critter!

  4. Good call on removing that gold! I’ve learned that I have too much gold and not enough true, fresh yellow in my stash. I guess I’ll have to remedy that!

  5. Those are such great blocks! Fun to see all of them together, too!

  6. Love your log cabin blocks! That darker piece probably would have bothered me too.

  7. Very pretty and sunny yellow blocks--way to go!!!
    luv, di

  8. These are great blocks. I probably would have removed that yellow piece, too. It's going to be a great quilt!

  9. Yes the offending yellow stripe had to go! The blocks look great!

  10. Nice blocks. I'm still trying to finish my red blocks from January.

  11. Such a pretty block. I'd better pop into the sewing room.. I have plans to make a lot of log cabin blocks today.... Happy stitching on your mystery today.
