
Tuesday, August 04, 2015

UFO of the month (again!)

Well, you can probably guess that for the third month in a row, the scrappy braids are going to be the UFO of the month project. Each month I have made some progress, from getting the braids sewn together in June, and the borders on in July, but I really hope to finish this one in August so I can move on to some of my other UFO's. A quick check of my master list for 2015 on the sidebar shows me I only have two finishes on that list so far. I really have to step it up to improve on the dismal performance this year. Either that, or build another UFO closet. UGH.
To see more promises for the month of August, hop over to A Lovely Year of Finishes.


  1. Making progress is good, it's not dismal!

  2. WOW, Kathy!! How can you call this a dismal year?!! I'm a major slacker compared to you!! HAHA I really think you never sleep!

  3. I actually think the provenance of time spent making something adds to its final personal story - cough
    and when its this good even so far, its all good!

  4. I love the braid quilt--so much fun scrappiness! Keep at it and before you know it, it will be done!!

  5. This one is looks soooooo good. A braid quilt is on my bucket list.

  6. Another traditional design with huge appeal!
    Do I detect any sarcasm in your use of the word "promises"? : )

  7. At least you are making progress. Hopefully the third month turns out to be the charm and you get if to the finished pile.

  8. it looks good, I made ONE braid quilt once and never again.... took way too long, maybe if it was a leader and ender project it would be okay, but having to get up and iron after adding a new fabric to each braid was boring....

  9. As long as you are getting something done on the UFO, you are doing good.
