
Monday, August 18, 2014

Giveaway winner

I forgot to announce the closest guesser of the number of
spool blocks in this pile (see Saturday's post). The number of 6" blocks I have sewn so far is 123 which makes the total of 3" spool blocks...drum roll please
... 492! The two closest guessers were Butterfly George at 480 and Margaret at 500. Email me your address and I'll pop a fat quarter in the mail. Thanks to everyone who played along by leaving a comment with your guess.

Tonight at 9 pm I will be sitting right here...
treadling scraps together while watching Bonnie on QuiltCam.

Go get a project to work on and join us!


  1. Oh my gosh! Was I ever off the mark by about 300! I am so impressed with the number of little spools you've made. That's a lot of leader enders - lots of sewing that got done.

  2. Wow! You've created quite a nice little pile of those sweet spool blocks, haven't you? What fun!!!!

  3. Congratulations to the winners! That is a huge stack of spool blocks!

  4. Congrats! And what fun you'll be having!

  5. I was sewing away to quilt cam too! What a great night!

  6. Goodness me! That is way more than I guessed. So hard to tell when they are stacked like that (which of course was your intention!)

  7. thanks Kathryn I made a good guess there! have emailed my address

  8. Congrats to the winners. I obviously am no judge of stacks of blocks! : )

  9. Felicidades a la ganadora,
    cuantas corbatitas has realizado felicitaciones para ti.

  10. Congrats to the winners! I obviously have very poor judgement!!

  11. That's a lot of spools! Congrats to the winners.
