
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

 Welcome to the hand stitching party!

Our first link up was June 24, 2012 so this weekend we are celebrating 12 years of Slow Sunday Stitching adventures! The goal was to encourage people to slow down, to take a deep breath, to dedicate precious time to the healing process of hand work, and to connect with other creative like-minded stitchers. Thank you for helping me to achieve that goal! 🥰

I am doing just as much hand stitching as I ever have including knitting, cross stitch, embroidery, quilting and beading. And I still adore binding quilts. Look at this pile of quilts to finish! The bottom two are comfort quilts made by other guild members, the middle gold and black quilt was pieced by my friend Gail, and the top two are quilts that I pieced and sent to a long armer (Roxanne) to machine quilt for me. I will post more photos next month as I finish these bindings, but this is one lovely pile of happiness waiting for me!

I also love the monthly series of patterns called Square Dance from Heart in Hand that I am making this year. They are perfect little take along projects for my hand work bag. 
The May flower block is finished and the June block is finally started. 

I also finished the adorable Strawberry Jam pattern by Cheryl of Tiny Modernist (who is my favourite Canadian cross stitch pattern designer).

This mouse is so darn adorable, I was smiling the whole time I stitched her. Her little boots, her curly tail, and holding a strawberry. 🍓🍓🍓 I stitched on a black bead for her eye so she could see well. I'm disappointed that my white flowers don't show up very well on my beet dyed aida cloth (which is pinker in real life).

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that I dunked a piece of cloth in beet juice - it was a crazy experiment to try to make pink fabric! You can see the piece I cut out to stitch the Strawberry Jam mouse on. I don't know why some of it came out really dark pink? I'm sure I will try an experiment like this again some day. Maybe with walnut shells, or onion skins, or pomegranates, or ???

So that's my stitching update for this week. Now it's your turn - what are you hand stitching this week? Link up your blog post below and share your slow progress with us! 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Wow 12 years of slow Sunday stitching. I wonder how long I've been part of the crew? I must look it up! That is a lovely pile of quilt goodness although I don't envy you all that binding! Your latest strawberry cross stitch will make a great addition to your summer collection. And thank you for being a great hostess!

  2. I love hand stitching the binding on a quilt too! You have lots to keep your hands busy. Perhaps you could outline the white strawberry flowers so they show up better…. Happy stitching ! Gail

  3. Your new header is really cute! The little strawberry holding mouse is really cute. Congrats on all the progress. Hope you have a very cool place to do your slow stitching today.

  4. Your May Square Dance piece is just adorable and so is the mouse on Strawberry Jam! I have a hard time getting white to show up, too, no matter what color of fabric I use. Enjoy your stitching today, Kathy, and thanks for hosting us!

  5. if you ever use walnut shells USE Gloves!! I have never tried them but my daughter did for something and she had brown fingers for days and days

  6. So many cheerful projects!

  7. Just love your sweet strawberry laden header, Kathy!

  8. I don't think that I have participated for all twelve years, but I certainly have enjoyed sharing with you and other bloggers. I have also loved getting ideas and recommendations (links) from you and other bloggers. I have bookmarked Strawberry Jam as I think it is so adorable. I like your fabric dyeing experiment. The May stitchery is very pretty. Thank you for continuing to host Slow Sunday Stitching.

  9. Hi Kathy, congrats on 12 years of Slow Stitching Monday. That's awesome and thanks for keeping it going! I love those mini cross stitches that you're making. I've also been experimenting with dying fabric. So far I've used black tea, and peach and orange tea. The colours are usually very subtle if you don't use mordant etc. I'm going to easy and subtle right now since my prayer flags will hang outside for the summer.

  10. Thank you for having this linky party! It always inspires me and I love "chatting" with all our crafty, quilty friends. You have been doing this so long. HOORAY! Happy Blogiversary/linkaversary!!!

  11. Happy Anniversary. I certainly enjoy this link up every week. Lots of beautiful projects you are working on!

  12. Many congratulations on being "the hostess with the mostess" and celebrating 12 years of hosting your wonderful link up. I do so enjoy being part of this group, and look forward to taking part as often as I can. If there is no suitable project to join with, I still enjoy catching up with everyone's beautiful handwork. Thank you so much for continuing this each week.

  13. 12 a big commitment on your part! Thank you for all the fun each week! Congratulations! Your Strawberry Jam is the sweetest cross stitch. Ooh...her fancy stepping shoes; too cute.

  14. Congratulations on 12 slow stitching years Kathy! Your Sunday posts are always a good reminder for me to enjoy not only my hand work but that of others. We often get caught up in speed and needing to meet deadlines, but surprisingly we need to be reminded to slow it down a bit and enjoy the journey. Thank you for continuing to host this wonderful event.

  15. 12 years of Slow Stitching fun! Congratulations and Happy Anniversary, Kathy. You have connected so many quilters and stitchers together. Thank you so much for all that you do in the quilting community. Your stitches are gorgeous. Love the Strawberry Jam. Hugs.
