
Sunday, June 05, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! Our goal is to encourage you to pick up your project, put a few stitches in, take some deep breaths, and enjoy the happy feelings that will likely result! 

I have been hand quilting my oldest UFO while the weather is still cool enough in the evenings to have the quilt on my lap.

I just finished quilting 4 lines in the hoop using beige thread, and realized that I am supposed to be  quilting the border in maroon coloured thread! Do you think the quilt police will notice??! The judges at the fall fair certainly will, and they will wonder "why did she do that"?! Well, the reason is because I'm old, I'm a slow hand quilter, and the quilt has been worked on for 25+ years. Apparently I forget what I am doing from day to day, and year to year! Yes I will take those stitches out and try again with the right colour of thread this time!

making hanging sleeves
I really enjoyed finishing my May mini quilt. This photo shows me sewing down the hanging sleeve on the back. I machine stitch the split sleeve to the top of the quilt, hand stitch the edges of the sleeves, and then hand stitch the binding on top. With this system, all my quilts can hang on the wall with one nail.

binding stitches
What are you hand stitching today? We hope you will link up your instagram or blog post below and share your slow progress with us.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. Your Daffodil Fields is a lovely mini quilt. Such a shame to undo some of your quilting, though, I suppose it was good to discover the mistake before you had sewn a lot more. =)

  2. It is frustrating to have to remove stitching, but you will probably be happier that it all is matching. I like your split hanging sleeve. What do you put in the sleeve? I use HangItDangIt which needs no nails.

  3. I do like the paisley print on your border. Couldn't you have passed off the different colour thread as a design choice? Maybe not!

  4. Such a cute little mini quilt …the split sleeve is a great idea!

  5. we quilt a little "differently" as we get older. I have learned to appreciate the seam ripper.

  6. I loved seeing your pretty green mini quilt this week, Kathy! Green is a favorite color of mind. Enjoy your stitching today!

  7. The way you do the hanging system on your mini quilts is very clever!

    I'm glad I'm not the only one with ancient UFOs! I'm thinking of doing two or three old quilts, then I have 'earned' a new start. I've got to get the backlog whittled down.

  8. Oh man! That is frustrating! I honestly don't think I would have the heart to take out those stitches.

  9. Sorry you have to rip. Glad you caught it before you got any further. I had one of those hand quilted projects that went on for years too, but I was only using beige thread. Happy stitching!

  10. Hi Kathy,
    I've done that, put the wrong color on the wrong blocks...had to
    rip it all out and start is very frustrating. Hang
    in there, it'll get better. Have a great day!

  11. Unsewing is never fun. Hope you were able to make the fix and then make some good progress.
